

美國的自由聯盟國家 Freely Associated States with the US

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The relationship between Taiwan and the US is similar to that of the Trust Territories of Pacific Islands, such as Micronesia, Palau, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, and the US after the Pacific War. As a consequence of World War I, the Treaty of Versailles stipulated the jurisdiction of the colonies of the German Empire transferred to the Japanese Empire as part of its territories under the Mandate system of the League of Nations. After the Pacific War, these island territories, again, were transferred to the US under the Trusteeship system of the United Nations.  The Japanese Empire and the US served as administrative authorities over the territories in different times.
In the 1970s, after lengthy negotiations, Micronesia, Palau, and the Marshall Islands gained their independence as a Freely Associated State with the Compact of Free Association - separate agreements of Free Association with the US. As a result, the US is obligated to provide them with aid and bear defense obligations, among other things.

拜登即將訪太平洋島國 美特使:盼行前續簽自由加盟協約    中央社 20230512

美國負責與3個太平洋島國協商的總統特使尹汝尚(Joseph Yun)今天表示,他下週將到當地,希望在拜登總統訪問太平洋地區前,續簽「自由加盟協約」(COFA的工作能有進展。

《路透社》報導,尹汝尚說,他將於15日前往密克羅尼西亞(Micronesia),然後訪問帛琉(Palau)和馬紹爾群島(Marshall Islands)。尹汝尚說,「我們希望取得進展,」他指的是與3國協商續簽「自由加盟協約」(Compact of Free Association, COFA)。


白宮9日表示,繼7大工業國集團(G7)在日本舉行的峰會後,拜登(Joe Biden)將成為首位訪問太平洋島國巴布亞紐幾內亞的現任美國總統,以此強調美國為對抗中國在太平洋地區投下的資源。

巴布亞紐幾內亞外交部長特卡欽科(Justin Tkachenko)向《路透社》表示,拜登22日出訪期間將與巴國簽署國防與監督協議,這將重申該國的戰略重要性。




