

舊金山和約紀念日,TB001繞台 Large drone circles Taiwan on the SFPT anniversary

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
PLA's large drone, TB001, circled the ADIZ of Taiwan on April 28th, the 71st anniversary of the Treaty of Peace with Japan, also known as the San Francisco Peace Treaty, which ended the state of war in the Pacific War with Japan in 1952.
On this sensitive date, the circling of TB001 was more political than military, demonstrating Beijing's claim that Taiwan is a part of the PRC.
However, few people noticed what the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Qin Gang, expressed something different in the keynote speech "Chinese Modernization and the World" at the Lanting Forum on April 23rd. He presented a new theory that unlike the previous one, stating that Taiwan returned to China in 1945 through three documents: the Cairo Declaration of 1943, the Potsdam Declaration of 1945, and the Japanese Instrument of Surrender of 1945. As a result, Taiwan, a territory of China, has been recovered in 1945 and will never be lost again.
Through the same logic, Qin added, the post-war international order has been established, and China does not allow someone else to subvert. Minister Qin used the present perfect tense, which is different from the future perfect tense previously used by Beijing, indicating an unfinished action.
The two theories are very different. The new theory is more aggressive, which suggests that the West robbed Taiwan from China in 1945, while the old theory implies that the residual process needs to be completed.中国大型無人機、台湾を周回 異例の飛行経路    時事通訊社 20230428

台湾国防部(国防省)は28日、中国軍の大型無人偵察・攻撃機「TB0011機が台湾の防空識別圏内で台湾をほぼ周回するように飛行したと明らかにした。  こうした飛行経路は、台湾国防部が2020年に中国軍機の動向を公表するようになってから初めて。  TB001は爆弾の搭載が可能な中国軍最大の無人機とされる。国防部によると、中国大陸側から飛来して台湾南部のバシー海峡上空を通過し、台湾東部沖の太平洋を北上した後に中国大陸側に戻った。台湾メディアは「台湾を『包囲』する実力を示す非常に挑発的な意図」を指摘した。 


