

20230419 德國外長在聯邦國會的開幕致詞 Taimocracy 20230421

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
German Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock made her opening remarks, a formal statement, at the Bundestag, where she emphasized that Germany must not repeat past mistakes, such as becoming too dependent on natural resources from Russia or the Chinese market.
Baerbock highlighted that China's offensive and aggressive actions serve as a reminder that it poses a potential threat to Germany, even though they are geographically distant.
Baerbock, along with her counterparts in the G7, EU, and NATO, emphasized that China cannot be ignored on many issues, too. While "de-coupling" may not be an option, "de-risking" through a gradual separation on a case-by-case basis is practical.
We have observed a growing trend among the G7, EU, and NATO to suggest shared and common viewpoints.

貝爾博克和她在七國集團、歐盟和北約的同行們強調,中國在許多問題上也不容忽視。 雖然「脫鉤」未必可行,但通過逐案逐步分離的方式「去風險」是可行的。
我們觀察到 G7、歐盟和北約之間越來越傾向於提出共同和共同的觀點。

20230419 Opening statement by Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock during questions put to the Federal Government at the German Bundestag    德國外交部/ Taimocracy 20230421

The last time I attended a question-and-answer session was shortly after the beginning of Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine. Nobody knew at the time how long this war would last. We all hoped that peace would return quickly. Unfortunately, things turned out differently – despite the intensive efforts on our part to achieve peace, on the part of our European friends, on the part of pretty much the whole world.  我上一次參加詢答是在俄羅斯對烏克蘭發動殘酷的侵略戰爭之後不久。當時沒有人知道這場戰爭會持續多久,我們都希望能迅速回歸和平。不幸的是,事情的發展出乎意料,盡管我們和歐洲朋友、全球幾乎所有國家為實現和平做出了巨大努力。

Moreover, I don’t think it was clear to anyone just how united our actions would be from that point onwards. After all, we had different opinions in the European Union from time to time before, and people kept on asking just how much can we rely on Europe. We have made it clear – and I’m grateful to all our European partners and also to you, the overwhelming majority at the German Bundestag, for this – that when it came down to defending the most important thing in our country, in our Europe, we stood together as one and stood up for democracy, for freedom and for peace.  此外,我認為從那時起,我們的行動究竟有多大程度上的團結,對任何人來說都不是很清楚。畢竟,歐盟內我們以前有不同的意見,人們一直在問我們能否依賴歐洲。我們已經明確表示,我對我們的歐洲夥伴以及您們德國聯邦議院的絕大多數感激不盡,因為當我們需要為我們國家和歐洲最重要的事情辯護時,我們團結一致,為民主、自由與和平站出來。

But we have also – and I’m grateful for this as well – drawn our conclusions from this together as the Government and opposition – and I mean the biggest opposition parliamentary group here in the German Bundestag. As Members of the Bundestag and the Government, we made it clear that we have a responsibility to ensure that what happened – and where, at least from my point of view, we made political mistakes in the past because we entered into dependencies that made us vulnerable to blackmail – must not happen to us again. That’s why we have jointly launched a National Security Strategy. I’d like to talk about this, and also about our China strategy. There will doubtlessly be a few questions about this in a moment. This isn’t just about two different documents, but it’s about safeguarding our freedom and our system of democracy and the rule of law in the long term.  但是我們也已經從中得出結論,並且對此感激 - 我指的是在德國聯邦議院這裡最大的反對黨議會小組。作為聯邦議院和政府的成員,我們明確表示,我們有責任確保過去發生的事情,特別是在政治上犯了錯誤,因為我們進入了讓我們容易受到勒索的依賴關係,這種事情不會再次發生在我們身上。這就是為什麼我們共同推出了國家安全戰略。我想談談這個問題,還有我們的中國戰略。接下來肯定會有一些關於這個問題的問題。這不僅僅是兩份不同的文件,而是要長期維護我們的自由、民主和法治體系的安全

You had a debate the other day about the fact that this takes a bit of time. Yes, it takes a bit of time. When I travel abroad, I always point out that when you have three coalition partners, you sometimes discuss things for a bit longer than when you only have one party. But that also has many advantages. I’ve made the case for this around the world, because compromises are not bad, because discussions are not bad. They are also an expression, firstly, of freedom and, secondly, of the fact that you can be self-critical, that you can reflect and also sometimes say that your counterpart is right. I believe that this is an expression of strength and not of weakness. This is exactly what we as the European Union have spelled out recently with the various visits of European partners to China. The Spanish Prime Minister has just visited China, then Ms von der Leyen as President of the EU Commission, then the French President, and I have just returned from the country.  您們最近有一場辯論,討論到這需要一些時間。是的,這需要一些時間。當我出國旅行時,我總是強調,如果你有三個聯合執政的夥伴,有時你需要討論的時間會比只有一個政黨要長一些,但這也有很多優點。我已經在世界各地為此辯論,因為妥協並不是壞事,因為討論也不是壞事。首先,它們是自由的表達,其次,它們是你可以自我批評,反思,有時你的對手是對的。我相信這是力量的表現,而不是弱點這正是我們作為歐盟最近對中國的各種訪問中所闡述的。西班牙總理剛剛訪問了中國,然後是歐盟委員會主席范德萊恩女士,然後是法國總統,我剛從中國返回。

China is a partner, competitor and systemic rival for us. I would like to make it clear that our impression – four MEPs were also there; thank you very much for that as well – was unfortunately – and I wish to emphasise the word unfortunately – that the aspect of “systemic rival” is becoming ever more important, not only because China is acting more offensively – you could also say more aggressively – externally, but, above all, more repressively internally. If you have any questions about this, we’ve got a lot to say. It was really more than shocking at times.  對於我們來說,中國是我們的一個夥伴,競爭對手制度對手。我想澄清的是,我們的印象 - 四名歐洲議會議員也在那裡;非常感謝你們 - 不幸地是,「制度對手」的方面變得越來越重要,這不僅是因為中國在外部行動更具攻擊性,你也可以說是更具侵略性,而且特別是在內部更具壓迫性。如果您對此有任何懷疑,我們有很多例證。有時真的很令人震驚

It’s clear that there’s no getting past China. It is one of the biggest economic powers in the world. It is Germany’s largest, not necessarily the most important, but its largest trading partner, and that’s also good and important. The world would actually be a much simpler place if we were able to strengthen our societies together through trade. That’s what we want; I also made that much clear in China. We want to cooperate wherever we can. But we don’t want to repeat mistakes. We don’t want to be so naive as to believe that trade automatically brings about change. Or that trade per se is a geostrategic strategy. That’s why the aim now is not to decouple ourselves from China. Rather, we must ensure that, just as China attends to its security, we do the same. We must minimise our risks. I think the President of the Commission has summed this up perfectly with the term “de-risking”.  顯然地,我們無法避開中國。它是世界上最大的經濟大國之一,也是德國最大的貿易夥伴,雖然不必然是最重要的,但這也是好事,很重要。如果我們能夠透過貿易共同增強我們的社會,世界事實上將會變得更加簡單些。這就是我們想要的,我在中國也明確表示了這一點。我們希望在任何可以合作的領域進行合作。但我們不希望重蹈覆轍我們不希望天真地相信貿易自動帶來變化,或貿易本身就是一種地緣戰略。這就是為什麼我們現在的目標不是與中國脫鉤,而是確保我們像中國一樣關注自身安全。我們必須將風險降到最低。我認為委員會主席已經用「去風險化」這個詞語完美地總結了這一點。

We must ensure economic security, preferably together with China. As you know, China is a member of the UN Security Council, where it has a responsibility for peace in the world. That is why I called in Beijing, in South Korea and also at the G7 meeting for us to stand up together for the international order openly, but with a clear stance; because what is at stake here is the freedom, prosperity and security of all of us.  我們必須確保經濟安全,最好是與中國一起。正如您所知,中國是聯合國安理會的成員,對世界和平負有責任。這就是為什麼我在北京、韓國和G7會議上呼籲我們要一起公開並明確地堅持國際秩序的原因;因為我們可能失去自由、繁榮和安全,因此需要特別關注和保護。

Thank you very much.  非常感謝大家





