

不管人命 中國軍艦干擾民航機的GPS與VHF高度儀

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

澳航通知飛行員警惕中共軍方干擾信號    大紀元 20230320






IFALPA的聲明寫道,「IFALPA已經了解到一些航空公司和軍用飛機被太平洋地區的軍艦通過無線電頻率121.50 123.45呼叫。」。



澳洲和國際飛行員協會主席兼澳航機長托尼·盧卡斯(Tony Lucas)表示,飛行員意識到了干擾信號,並有能力處理這些問題。



航空專家尼爾·漢斯福德(Neil Hansford)表示,「毫無疑問,這來自中國(中共)軍隊。






Qantas warns about interference by the ‘Chinese military’ in the South China Sea    news.com.au 20230317

Qantas pilots have been issued a concerning warning about interference from the “Chinese military” in the South China Sea.

Qantas pilots have been issued a notice warning about interference on VHF systems from stations posing as the Chinese military.

In a note issued by the airline on Thursday, pilots were informed the interference had been detected in the western Pacific and South China Sea.

“In addition, Group aircraft have experienced GPS jamming suspected to originate from warships operating off the North West Shelf of Australia,” the note read.

The airline assured pilots there had been “no safety events reported that relate to this activity”.

Pilots were issued directives on what to do if they encountered the highlighted interference.

VHF (very high frequency) covers radio waves at frequencies 30 to 300MHz and has multiple radio communication uses.

“Should flight crew experience this interference they should continue to track via their assigned clearance and report the interference to the controlling ATC authority,” the advice read. “如果機組人員遇到這種干擾,他們應該繼續透過指定的許可進行追查,並將干擾擾報告給航管單位。

“An Intelex Report must be submitted providing details of the event or any other unusual activity after landing.”  著陸後必須提交 Intelex 報告,提供事件或任何其他異常活動的詳細信息。

The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations also released a statement revealing it had been “made aware of some airlines and military aircraft” being called over certain VHF (very high frequency) numbers “by military warships in the Pacific region, notably South China Sea, Philippine Sea, East of Indian Ocean”.  太平洋區域,主要是南海、菲律賓海,東印度洋有來自戰艦的干擾。

“In some cases, the flights were provided vectors to avoid the airspace over the warship.”  飛行員會避開。

The IFALPA said it had reason to believe there might be interferences to Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Radio Altimeter systems too.  IFALPA(國際民航駕駛協會)表示,它有理由相信全球導航衛星系統無線電高度計系統也可能受到干擾。

“IFALPA is engaging with the International Air Transport Association and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) to ensure that all parties are aligned with our procedures and to prevent this from occurring in the future,” the statement read.  IFALPA 正與國際航空運輸協會和空中航行服務提供商 (ANSP) 合作,以確保各方都遵守我們的程序,並防止這種情況在未來發生

The international body recommended that pilots not respond to the interferences and immediately report them to the controlling agency. 該國際機構建議飛行員不要對干擾作出反應,並立即向控制機構報告。

They were also encouraged to “notify your company’s dispatcher of the attempted contact” then to complete a safety report immediately.

Australia Blames ‘Chinese Military’ For Harassing Civilian Airliner; Warns Pilots Of VHF Attacks, GPS Jamming    EurAsianTimes Desk  20230318

Qantas has warned its pilots about very high frequency (VHF) interference from stations purporting to represent the PLA in the South China Sea and western Pacific, as well as GPS jamming allegedly originating from warships off the coast of northwest Australia. 澳洲航空已警告其飛行員注意來自南海和西太平洋據稱代表解放軍的電台的甚高頻 (VHF) 干擾,以及據稱來自澳大利亞西北部海岸附近軍艦的 GPS 干擾。


