

朱立倫 有臉說別人、沒空指自己

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Eric Chu, the current chairperson of the Kuomintang (KMT) and a former presidential candidate, has avoided acknowledging the fact that former President Ma Ying-jeou (MYJ) referred to himself as "President of Taiwan" in his meetings with Chinese officials; he blasted the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) instead.  Chu is misleading and dodging the point.
It has raised concerns about Chu's leadership, as it appears that he is more interested in securing his position within the KMT than in acting in the best interests of the party and the country. Eric Chu has a history of repressing his rivals to ensure himself as the presidential candidate within the KMT, which has led to doubts about his ability to lead Taiwan if he were to become president.
Furthermore, many are questioning how Eric Chu can virtually criticize the DPP while simultaneously avoiding the fact that his former party leader and former ROC President MYJ called himself " President of Taiwan." It is a significant issue that could have implications for cross-strait relations and the future of Taiwan.
It is quite doubtful will Eric Chu address the issue directly or continue to ignore it in his career as KMT chairperson. To win the KMT's and Taiwanese people's support, Chu needs to demonstrate strong leadership qualities, and his political grade and tactics should be scrutinized. 


蔡英文今天出訪 朱立倫要求:請在國外明確講出你是中華民國總統    三立 20230329

前總統馬英九近期以祭祖名義訪問中國,在述說歷史時說出「中華民國」。而總統蔡英文今(29日)啟程出訪,過境美國並拜訪中南美洲友邦,在行前發表談話強調「台灣走向世界的決心,只會越來越堅定」。對此,國民黨主席朱立倫指出,蔡英文談話中,沒有一次講到中華民國;朱要求,請在國外能非常明確講出你是中華民國總統,President of ROC


朱立倫指出,國民黨捍衛中華民國,民進黨卻消滅中華民國,在國內不講中華民國,總統蔡英文今天出訪談話中,沒有一次講到中華民國,請問你是什麼身分出訪?當然是代表中華民國2300萬民眾出訪。民進黨用抗中犧牲國人利益,用兩岸衝突獲得民進黨政治上利益,呼籲蔡英文總統,今天過境美國,接下來去中南美友邦,請在國外能明講,你是中華民國總統,President of ROC民進黨不要嘴巴要求別人捍衛中華民國,自己卻去中華民國化


