


【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Nicholas Burns, the US Ambassador to Beijing, stated that "the US has a unique responsibility to Taiwan and is obligated to maintain a military presence in the region."
That unique responsibility is from the treaty obligation imposed on the US as the Principal Occupying Power of the Treaty of Peace with Japan, in which the obligation to maintain Taiwan's status quo, among others, is further merged into the Taiwan Relations Act in 1979.
The serial legal instruments indicate that Taiwan is considered an organized-unincorporated overseas territory under the US Constitution due to the mandate of the Treaty of Peace with Japan.

伯恩斯大使:北京對民主國家的力量感到意外    VOA 20230228

華盛頓—美國駐華大使伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)星期一(227日)在參加美國商會主辦的一個活動上說,眼下顯然是美中關係中非常困難的時刻,而美國民主與共和兩黨在對華問題上的強大共識是華盛頓與北京這個“非常困難的”政府打交道的一個很大優勢。這位美國資深外交官表示,美國對台灣具有獨特的責任,以確保它有能力阻遏北京採取的任何進攻性行動。





“中國會試圖在國內分裂我們,就像他們過去試圖做的那樣。 我們必須有紀律、有自我意識並保持戰略清晰,團結一致。 我認為這對我們的任務,我作為大使在這裡代表美國,在我們努力處理這個困難關係的時刻,是我們擁有的巨大優勢之一,”伯恩斯說。

“商務部剛剛發布的2022年數據顯示,我們與中國之間有一個價值6900億美元的貿易關係。與幾年前相比,這是一個大幅度的增長。美國人在一些領域表現很好,而且應該繼續表現很好。我只舉一個例子,農業。 美國農民和牧場主去年向中國出售了近410億美元的美國產品。這是所有美國農產品出口的五分之一。中國是我們最大的單一出口市場。因此,這個關係進展順利,並對我們的農場和牧場社區有利,”他說。





US has unique Taiwan responsibility: Burns    CNS 20230301

SHOW OF FORCE: US Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth said the best way to avoid war in the Taiwan Strait is to show China that the US is capable of winning wars

  • By Liu Tzu-hsuan / Staff reporter

US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns on Monday said that the US has a unique responsibility to Taiwan and is obligated to maintain a military presence in the region.

Burns made the remark at an event held by the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan via videoconference, Voice of America reported yesterday.

The passing of the Taiwan Relations Act in 1979 meant that the US has the obligation to ensure that Taiwan is able to deter possible Chinese invasion, present or future, Burns said.

The US should also “encourage the rest of the world to ensure that China cannot escape responsibility for coercing or intimidating Taiwan,” he said.

China’s aggressive reaction against then-US House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in August last year “violated the status quo across the Taiwan Strait in the past 70 years,” he said.

With half of the world’s shipping containers passing through the Taiwan Strait every day, any disruption caused by China would have inevitable and extremely negative consequences for the global economy, Burns said.

The US and its allies hope the Chinese government shows respect for the cross-strait “status quo,” acknowledges the need to solve cross-strait differences peacefully and stops provocative actions, he said.

Beijing should not turn a deaf ear to this message, which is the consensus among the US, European nations and Indo-Pacific countries, he said.

Separately, US Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth said that there is no imminent threat of China launching an amphibious landing in Taiwan, as it is very complicated.

Wormuth made the remark on Monday during a talk with US Army Pacific Commanding General Charles Flynn at an event held by Washington-based think tank the American Enterprise Institute.

China has been modernizing its armed forces for the past 20 years, but an amphibious landing is full of difficulties that “even [Chinese] President Xi Jinping (習近平) might be dubious if it would be successful,” Wormuth said.

“It is not that easy to invade Taiwan,” as it would take more than Xian H-6 bombers, submarines and ships, Flynn said.

Carrying out offensive military operations requires a professional, well-trained and well-led force, which China has been working toward, but “still has work to do,” he said.

The US should still be prepared, Wormuth said, adding that the best way to avoid war is to show China and other nations in the region that the US is capable of winning wars.

Many military simulations show that if a conflict breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, it might not be resolved quickly, which means that stocks of ammunition would be crucial, she said.





