


【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
After meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Secretary Blinken had interviews with CBS and NBC respectively, where he provided a quick and direct response to Beijing. However, the talks were direct and clear, but no shared view was reached.
What we are concerned about is Blinken's anticipation that Beijing is considering providing lethal weapons or lethal assistance to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in addition to political and non-lethal support. Blinken said that this would have serious diplomatic consequences between the US and China.
He also confirmed that there is no communication between the two countries, and the hostile escalation is rising. Therefore, he stressed the importance of engaging in diplomacy and establishing direct lines of communication.
However, in NBC's interview, Blinken's terms changed four times, from lethal weapons to lethal assistance, including weapons, to material support that would have a lethal effect. Meanwhile, in CBS's interview, there was no change in terms, as it was only referred to as lethal support.
Bliken's talk with Wang, the most senior Chinese foreign policy official, especially warns Beijing that the surveillance balloon should not happens again.  The message may confirm, in the near future by fact, that Xi is a responsible Chinese leader or he is in fact can not control PLA.


Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Margaret Brennan of CBS Face the Nation    DoS 20230219

QUESTION:  We go now to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is in Germany attending the Munich Security Conference.  Mr. Secretary, I know you just met with your Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, who has publicly said the U.S. response to the spy balloon was absurd, hysterical, and an effort to divert attention away from domestic problems.  Was he that dismissive to you in private?

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Margaret, I don’t want to characterize what he said; I can tell you what I said.  I made very clear to him that China sending a surveillance balloon over the United States – in violation of our sovereignty, in violation of international law – was unacceptable and must never happen again.  We also had an opportunity to talk about what’s happening here in Munich, the focus of the conversation – Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine – and concerns that we have that China’s considering providing lethal support to Russia in its efforts in Ukraine.  And I was able to share with him, as President Biden had shared with President Xi, the serious consequences that would have for our relationship.

Finally, it was important for me to underscore that we believe having lines of communication, engaging in direct diplomacy is very important.  We have a responsibility to manage our relationship in a responsible manner.  That’s part of what this evening was about.


QUESTION:  Does that mean their defense minister will pick up the next phone call from Secretary Austin instead of refusing it?

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Well, it’s one of the things that we talked about, the importance of having lines of communication, including military-to-military lines of communication.  It’s vital to making sure that there aren’t miscommunications, misunderstandings, especially if you’ve got a crisis or some other situation on your hands.



SECRETARY BLINKEN:  And so I tried to impress upon my Chinese counterpart the importance of having those contacts, including military-to-military.


QUESTION:  A senior Pentagon official said last week that President Xi Jinping was caught by surprise by the surveillance balloon and that he doesn’t trust his own military.  Did the left and right hand of the Chinese government not know what was going on?

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  I can’t speak to that, Margaret.  But what I can – what I can tell you is this:  It doesn’t matter in the sense that China is responsible for this action.  And ultimately, as the leader of the country, President Xi is responsible.  It’s one of the reasons it was important for me, on behalf of President Biden, to share directly with the most senior Chinese foreign policy official the very clear determination that this must not happen again.


QUESTION:  Well, if Colin Kahl, this Pentagon official’s comments are accurate, that would raise the risk of miscalculation if China doesn’t have control over its own military.  And so I wanted you to clarify that.

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  So Margaret, I can’t – again, I can’t speak to the Chinese views on this.  I can only imagine that China must be in the process of trying to draw its own lessons from this incident.  And of course, we’re not the only ones concerned.  China’s used these surveillance balloons over more than 40 countries across five continents.  So one of the things I’m hearing here in Munich is real concern about the surveillance balloon program.  I suspect the fact that it’s been exposed by us is going to have to cause China to take another look at this.


QUESTION:  I’m going to come back to what you mentioned in terms of providing support to Russia.  There is open-source reporting that Chinese companies are providing surveillance equipment to that mercenary group, the Wagner Group, fighting in Ukraine.  Does the U.S. consider this to be providing military support to Russia?

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  We’ve been concerned from day one about that possibility.  In fact, if you go back to the very first conversations that President Biden and President Xi had about Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine – just a couple of weeks into the war – President Biden shared with President Xi our deep concern about the possibility China would provide lethal support to Russia in this effort, as well as engage in the systematic evasion of sanctions.  And the reason for that concern was, just weeks before the aggression, you’ll remember that President Xi and President Putin had a meeting in which they talked about a partnership with no limits.  And we were concerned that among those – among the lack of limits would be Chinese support for Russia in the war.

We’ve been watching this very closely.  To date, we have seen Chinese companies – and of course, in China there’



Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Chuck Todd of NBC Meet the Press    DoS 20230219

QUESTION:  And joining me now from Munich is the Secretary of State Antony Blinken.  Mr. Secretary, welcome back to Meet the Press.



QUESTION:  Well, look, let me start with the news of the moment, at least for you.  I know you just got out of a meeting that in diplomatic terms is called “on the margins” with your counterpart, Wang Yi of China.  I have read the readout we have stated about what you said to him.  I guess what I’m more concerned about is:  What did he say to you?  Number one, did it begin with an apology for the balloon?

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Chuck, I don’t want to characterize what he said.  I don’t think that would be appropriate, although I can tell you, no, there was no apology.  But what I can also tell you is this was an opportunity to speak very clearly and very directly about the fact that China sent a surveillance balloon over our territory violating our sovereignty, violating international law.  And I told him quite simply that that was unacceptable and can never happen again. We’re of course not the only ones on the receiving end of these surveillance balloons.  More than 40 countries have had these balloons fly over them in recent years, and that’s been exposed to the world.  I also had an opportunity – because we’re here in Munich, as you know, focused primarily on Russia’s ongoing aggression against Ukraine



SECRETARY BLINKEN:  — to share our very real concerns about China’s support for Russia in that war.  And what we’ve seen in – over the past years is, of course, some political and rhetorical support, even some non-lethal support, but we are very concerned that China’s considering providing lethal support to Russia in its aggression against Ukraine.  And I made clear that that would have serious consequences in our relationship as well, something President Biden has shared directly with President Xi on several occasions.  Finally, I underscored the importance of having direct lines of communication, the importance of continuing to engage in diplomacy between our countries.  I think this is something that the world expects of us.  They expect us to manage this relationship responsibly.  And so it was important that we had that opportunity this evening here in Munich.


QUESTION:  I want to start with what I think is the newer piece of information that you’re sharing and I know that we’ve been reporting separately, this concern that China is considering potential lethal aid in this war to Russia.  What evidence can you share with us that indicates your concern that they’re going to escalate their help to Russia?  As you said, they’ve been helping them rhetorically. They’ve been helping them maybe by buying cheap oil.  But what is the other evidence that you have here that they’re thinking about doing more?

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Well, Chuck, China’s having – trying to have it both ways.  Publicly they present themselves as a country striving for peace in Ukraine, but privately, as I said, we’ve seen already over these past months the provision of non-lethal assistance that does go directly to aiding and abetting Russia’s war effort.  And some further information that we are sharing today and that I think will be out there soon that indicates that they are strongly considering providing lethal assistance to Russia.  To the best of our knowledge, they haven’t crossed that line yet


QUESTION:  What form – in what form is that?

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  — but as we’re sharing —


QUESTION:  Yeah – in what form?

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Chuck, I don’t want to get into the details in this moment.  But there are various kinds of lethal assistance that they are at least contemplating providing, to include weapons.


QUESTION:  What else would you describe as lethal assistance that wasn’t weapons?

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Well, again, I’ll let the information that we have and that we’re sharing speak for itself.  But the main concern is material support to Russia’s war effort that would have a lethal effect.





