【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G/D 找中文翻譯
I am concerned about four things that occurred recently, which are
not good signs for Taiwan.
On October 20th, the DPP legislator Tsai Shih-Ying questioned Chen
Ming-Tong, the National Security Bureau Director-General, about what we should
observe the new Polit bureau members of the CCP. Chen replied that Xi's roadmap, the hard-line
tide, will prevail if four-outs and four-ins happen. Now the worry becomes true.
The KMT legislator Ma Wen-Chun questioned Chen Ming-Tong on the
same occasion by asking what the judgment of NSB on Xi Jing-Ping's policy
against Taiwan was in the third term, according to his character. Ma's question suggested the CCP's move would
not be a policy, which has a solid policy-making process, but a personal
preference of the dictator.
Wang Mei-Hua, Minister of Economic Affairs, was interviewed by the
Washington Post. She emphasized the fact
that Taiwan and China have close trade connections in many fields. China will
get hurt when it attacks Taiwan. What
bothers me most is that a Minister of Economic Affairs committed to the issues
of cross-Strait peace as if she were the Minister of Defense.
On the last day of CCP's 20th National Congress, the bodyguards
forced Hu Jin-Tau, former chairman of CCP, to leave his seat despite Hu's fight
to sit. This video astonished audiences,
which suggested the inner political struggle of CCP is more severe than all
people can imagine, but Xi is determined to do what so ever.
The situation is getting tense. That's for sure.