

烏克蘭復興會議,歐洲投資銀行推出新籌資工具 Taimocracy摘譯

Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano: EIB presents a new funding tool to support rebuilding the country    EIB 20220704

  • At the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano, the EIB reaffirmed its strong support to rebuilding the country.
  • The EIB offered the new EU-Ukraine Gateway Trust Fund to support urgent and long-term investing in Ukraine's reconstruction.
  • In the fifth month of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the EIB’s solidarity response reached almost €4.7 billion for Ukraine’s urgent liquidity needs and support for Ukrainian refugees.

The Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Teresa Czerwińska and the acting Managing Director of EIB Global, Markus Berndt, spoke at the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano and shared the EIB’s views on Ukraine’s recovery. They reaffirmed the EU Bank's steadfast position on the importance and urgency of investing in Ukraine's European future, even as fighting continues across the country. Emphasising its support for the recovery plan presented at the conference, the EIB offered a new instrument, the EU-Ukraine Gateway Trust Fund. This financing instrument could support Ukraine’s early and long-term recovery and the country’s journey towards EU membership.

Describing the role of the European Investment Bank in the reconstruction plan as integral part of the EU family, EIB Vice-President Teresa Czerwińska said: “The EIB very much welcomes Ukraine’s first comprehensive recovery plan presented today at the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano. We stand ready to offer our technical and financial expertise in the further elaboration of Ukraine’s recovery strategy and to help the country to exit the emergency mode and start rebuilding its infrastructure. We are committed to working closely with Ukraine, with the European Commission, and with our partner financial institutions, to do whatever we can to support Ukraine’s recovery and its journey towards EU Membership. For this purpose, we propose to set up a new instrument, called EU-Ukraine Gateway Trust Fund, to catalyse private and public investments in this direction”. 

EU-Ukraine Gateway Trust Fund to support Ukraine Recovery Plan

The EU-Ukraine Gateway Trust Fund could foster Ukraine’s resilience, sustainable and smart infrastructure, and the overall revitalisation of the economy; it could also support Ukraine’s accession pathway to the EU.

This trust fund could allow for contributions from EU Member States and other countries and partners, further facilitating cooperation among donors, and ensuring efficient and effective fund management. The instrument could be operational in a matter of weeks and would be tailored to the political steer and control requirements of the Ukraine Reconstruction Platform envisaged by the EU.

The Fund would be a comprehensive instrument that includes guarantees, investment grants (to be rolled-out partially through blending with loans) as well as technical assistance and advisory services to help improve the quality of projects and their subsequent implementation.  該基金將是一個綜合性工具,包括擔保、投資贈款(部分通過與貸款混合推出)以及技術援助和諮詢服務,以幫助提高項目質量及其後續實施。

EIB response to the war in Ukraine  歐洲投資銀行對烏克蘭戰爭的反應

The EIB is committed to helping rebuild Ukraine. Since the invasion by Russia on 24 February 2022, the Bank’s overall solidarity response has reached close to €4.7 billion:  歐洲投資銀行致力於幫助重建烏克蘭。 2022 2 24 日俄羅斯入侵以來,世行的整體團結響應已接近 47 億歐元:

  • In early March 2022 the EIB deployed €668 million in financing for the Ukrainian government to meet urgent liquidity needs.  2022 3 月上旬,歐洲投資銀行為烏克蘭政府部署了 6.68 億歐元的融資,以滿足緊迫的流動性需求。
  • A €2.5 million humanitarian aid package coordinated by the EIB Institute is directly helping people affected by the war.  EIB 研究所協調的 250 萬歐元人道主義援助計劃直接幫助受戰爭影響的人們。
  • The EIB also contributed a €4 billion credit line for municipalities in Ukraine’s neighboring EU countries who received refugees. An advisory platform (EMBRACE) complements the credit line. Of the total €4 billion, €2 billion was allocated to Poland, the country with the largest number of refugees from Ukraine, to finance an assistance fund set up by the Polish government and managed by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK), the Polish state development bank.  歐洲投資銀行還為接收難民的烏克蘭鄰國歐盟國家的市政當局提供了 40 億歐元的信貸額度。 諮詢平台 (EMBRACE) 補充了信用額度。 在總計 40 億歐元中,有 20 億歐元撥給了來自烏克蘭的難民人數最多的國家波蘭,以資助由波蘭政府設立並由波蘭國家銀行 Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) 管理的援助基金 開發銀行。

The EIB keeps regular contact with the government of Ukraine, so to help as flexibly as needed.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal said: “I am grateful to the European Union and its European Investment Bank for standing together with Ukraine and providing consistent financial support. I believe that together we will be able to create all conditions for the implementation of the most ambitious Recovery Plan of our time, the full and rapid rebuilding of Ukraine after this war. We welcome that the conference in Lugano demonstrated the unwavering support of key stakeholders, including the EIB, and also gave us a platform to discuss such an important issue as rebuilding a better Ukraine."


