

20220705,有關烏克蘭戰後復興的盧加諾宣言 Taimocracy摘譯

20220705,有關烏克蘭戰後復興的盧加諾宣言 Taimocracy摘譯


The Heads of State and Government, Ministers and high representatives of Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Republic of Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America as well as the highest officials and high representatives of the Council of Europe, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development,  以下國家元首、首長、部長與各國際組織高層代表(名單略),一致~~)

  1. fully commit to supporting Ukraine throughout its path from early to long-term recovery, and linking this to Ukraine’s European perspective and EU candidate country status;  全力支持烏克蘭從早期到長期復興的整個道路,並將其與烏克蘭的歐洲面向和歐盟候選國地位聯繫起來
  2. encourage and welcome all commitments to provide coordinated political, financial and technical support to this end;  鼓勵並歡迎為此目的提供協調的政治、財政和技術支持的所有承諾;
  3. endorse the guiding principles for the recovery process (‘Lugano Principles’);  背書復興過程的指導原則(盧加諾原則);
  4. recognize the Ukraine-led draft of the Recovery and Development Plan as an overarching framework guiding the recovery process, allowing for coordinated multi-stakeholder participation and partnerships, and look forward to engaging on refining and implementing the plan;  承認烏克蘭主導的復興和發展計劃草案是指導復興進程的整體框架,允許多方利益攸關方的協調參與和夥伴關係,並期待參與完善和實施該計劃;
  5. recognize that the Recovery and Development Plan is a living document which will need to be consulted and adapted over time to reflect changing circumstances;  承認復興和發展計劃是一份動態的文件,需要隨著時間的推移進行諮商和調整,以反映不斷變化的情況;
  6. support the establishment of an effective coordination platform between the Government of Ukraine and all its bilateral as well as multilateral partners, organizations and international financial institutions for the preparation and implementation of Ukraine’s Recovery and Development Plan, building on existing structures and establishing a clear link with the broad reform agenda;  支持在烏克蘭政府與其所有雙邊和多邊夥伴、組織和國際金融機構之間建立一個有效的協調平台,以制訂和實施烏克蘭的復興和發展計劃,在現有結構的基礎上建立一個明確的與廣泛的改革議程聯繫起來;
  7. affirm that integrity, transparency and accountability are essential for the successful implementation of the National Recovery and Development Plan;  申明誠信、透明度和問責制對於成功實施國家復興和發展計劃至關重要;
  8. stress the importance of fair and transparent development finance, lending and borrowing practices in accordance with international rules, standards and recognized principles;  強調依據國際規則、標準和公認的原則,公平和透明的發展融資、借貸實踐的重要性;
  9. welcome innovative approaches to recovery, such as digital transformation, green energy transition, national and international innovative and sustainable financing, including harnessing possible reparations, contributions by private donors and the private sector;  歡迎創新的復興方法,例如數據轉型、綠色能源轉型、國家和國際創新與可持續的融資,包括利用可能的賠償、個別捐助者和私營部門的捐款;
  10. invite the private sector, academia and civil society as well as actors at sub-national level, such as cities, hospitals and others, to enter into partnerships with Ukrainian counterparts;  邀請私營部門、學術界和民間社會以及國家以下一級的行為者,例如城市、醫院等,與烏克蘭同行建立夥伴關係;
  11. welcome the concerted efforts to ensure a robust follow-up and engagement to Ukraine’s recovery process by international partners, such as the establishment of an international platform for Ukraine’s recovery and the initiative of the G7 Presidency to convene an international high-level experts conference;  歡迎國際夥伴協力確保積極跟進和參與烏克蘭的復興進程,例如為烏克蘭復興建立國際平台和七國集團主席國倡議召開國際高階專家會議
  12. welcome the offer of the United Kingdom to host the next conference.  歡迎聯合王國主辦下一次會議的提議。

Guiding Principles  指導原則

  1. Partnership:  The recovery process is led and driven by Ukraine and conducted in partnership with its international partners. The recovery effort has to be based on a sound and ongoing needs assessment process, aligned priorities, joint planning for results, accountability for financial flows, and effective coordination.  夥伴關係復興進程由烏克蘭領導和推動,並與國際夥伴合作進行。復興工作必須基於健全和持續的需求評估流程、一致的優先事項、共同的成果規劃、資金流動的問責制和有效的協調。
  2. Reform focus:  The recovery process has to contribute to accelerating, deepening, broadening and achieving Ukraine’s reform efforts and resilience in line with Ukraine’s European path.  改革焦點復興進程必須有助於加快、深化、擴大和實現烏克蘭的改革努力和適應烏克蘭邁向的歐洲道路
  3. Transparency, accountability and rule of law:  The recovery process has to be transparent and accountable to the people of Ukraine. The rule of law must be systematically strengthened and corruption eradicated. All funding for recovery needs to be fair and transparent.  透明度、問責制和法復興過程必須對烏克蘭人民透明和負責。必須系統性的加強法治,根除腐敗。所有用於復興的資金都需要公平和透明
  4. Democratic participation:  The recovery process has to be a whole-of-society effort, rooted in democratic participation by the population, including those displaced or returning from abroad, local self-governance and effective decentralization.  民主參與復興過程必須是全社會的努力,植根於民眾的民主參與,包括流離失所或從國外返回的民眾地方自治和有效的權力下放
  5. Multi-stakeholder engagement:  The recovery process has to facilitate collaboration between national and international actors, including from the private sector, civil society, academia and local government.  多方利益相關者參與復興過程必須促進國家和國際參與者間的合作,包括私營部門、民間社會、學術界和地方政府
  6. Gender equality and inclusion: The recovery process has to be inclusive and ensure gender equality and respect for human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights. Recovery needs to benefit all, and no part of society should be left behind. Disparities need to be reduced.  性別平等和包容復興過程必須具包容性,並確保性別平等和尊重人權,包括經濟、社會和文化權利。復興要惠及所有人,社會任何一方都不應被遺漏。應縮小不平等的差距。
  7. Sustainability:  The recovery process has to rebuild Ukraine in a sustainable manner aligned with the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the Paris Agreement, integrating social, economic and environmental dimensions including green transition.  可持續性復興過程必須以符合 2030 年可持續發展議程和〈巴黎協定〉的可持續方式重建烏克蘭,整合社會、經濟和環境方面,包括綠色轉型。




