


【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G D 找中文翻譯
It is not good news to hear that the tyrant of an authoritarian country like Russia will have major surgery.
Not capable of dealing with opposite interests and viewpoints, authoritarianism is not stable. Its serene appearance is because the tyrant oppresses the antagonists. There are tons of unrests inside the system waiting for perfect timing, like the death or severe sickness of the tyrant, to burst out.
The news report indicates that Putin will hand over the power to a retired intelligence leader, not according to Article 92.3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to the Premier or the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.
It stipulates: "In all cases when the President of the Russian Federation is incapable of fulfilling his duties, they shall temporarily fulfilled by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Acting President of the Russian Federation shall have no right to dissolve the State Duma, appoint a referendum, and also provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation."
There might be a civil war in a nuclear weapon-holding country Russia. 

普丁近日將動手術!被爆罹癌「病情惡化」 職務代理人選曝光    ETtoady 20220501

俄羅斯克里姆林宮消息人士聲稱,普丁因身體因素可能要在近日接受癌症手術,因此將指派前聯邦安全局長帕特魯舍夫(Nikolai Patrushev)作為代理人,在他住院期間協助指揮烏克蘭的入侵行動。情報人士聲稱,普丁早在18個月前就罹患了癌症與帕金森氏症,原本計畫將在4月下旬動手術,但卻因種種因素推遲。

根據《每日郵報》報導,克里姆林宮前情報人士開設的Telegram頻道General SVR先前曾經踢爆,俄羅斯總統普丁其實早已罹患癌症與帕金森氏症,儘管克里姆林宮不斷強調普丁的健康狀況沒有問題,但種種跡象都顯示普丁可能真的健康亮紅燈,而他甚至數度沒有理由地缺席重要場合。

General SVR指出,普丁在18個月前診斷出腹部癌abdominal cancer)及帕金森氏症。根據浸信癌症中心(Baptist Cancer Center),腹部癌指的是影響消化系統器官的各種癌症,包括胃、肝、大腸、小腸、胰臟、膽囊、食道及直腸等。


消息人士透露,普丁在接受癌症手術期間,將指派聯邦安全局長帕特魯舍夫(Nikolai Patrushev)作為職務代理人。然而值得注意的是,根據俄國憲法,在總統無法處理國務時,應該是要將權力轉移給總理米什烏斯汀(Mikhail Mishustin)。現年56歲的米什烏斯汀是一名低調的技術官僚,他與軍方或特勤局都沒有特別的人脈







