sees Taiwan as a “renegade province” of China.
The Medium Line of Taiwan Strait, or known as the Davis Line, was established
by the USPACOM in 1954 with the conclusion of the "Mutual Defense Treaty
between the United States of America and the Republic of China." After the denial of the Medium Line, Beijing
will soon claim that Taiwan Strait is a part of Chinese territorial water.
Way back in 1895, Japan committed to the nine powers, including Qing Empire,
that Taiwan Strait shall be a high sea.
Now, all private and governmental ships have the right to exercise legal
navigation under UNCLOS.
公然否認「海峽中線」! 中國國防部:台灣屬於中國 哪有什麼「海峽中線」!
新頭殼 20220526
中國國防部今( 26 )日舉行例行記者會,在被問到日前一架解放軍武直-10攻擊直升機越過海峽中線900米時,中國國防部新聞局局長、中國國防部新聞發言人吳謙表示,台灣屬於中國,沒有什麼海峽中線。
對於記者詢問有關有1架解放軍武直-10攻擊直升機近日進入台灣西南防空識別區( Air
Defense Identification Zone, ADIZ ),不僅越過海峽中線,甚至還深入對面900米的問題時,吳謙悍然表示,沒有所謂的海峽中線。他更直言,台灣是中國的一部份,中國人民解放軍肩負捍衛國家主權和領土完整的神聖使命,有關戰訓活動完全是針對台獨分裂活動和外部勢力干涉而採取的必要行動。