【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G
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A news media "New Talk" puts out a news report saying that the Russian
military disregards Putin's order not to attack the Azovstal steel factory, where
the Ukraine army unit the Azov battalion stations, but to circle it. However,
the Russian army bombards it all the same.
The commentators see it as a signal that the Russian army disobeys Putin's authority.
It might be a sensational title by the editor. No big deal! Yet, it might also signify
the second dissolution of the former USSR amid Putin's loss
of control.
If the latter is true, the internal turmoil or civil war might happen. If the latter
is true, internal unrest or civil war might happen. The worst scenario is a new
strongman with an outlawed ambition to launch Russia's nuclear weapon.
24小時空襲35次!俄軍不甩普丁 亞速鋼鐵廠遭密集強攻 新頭殼 20220426
烏國官媒《烏克蘭國家通訊社》(Ukrinform)今天(26日)報導,在過去的24小時內,俄羅斯軍隊對馬里烏波爾(Mariupol)的烏軍最後根據地亞速鋼鐵廠(Azovstal steel factory)進行了35次空襲,完全沒有聽從俄羅斯總統普丁(Vladimir Putin)所下達的包圍取代強攻命令,也違背宣稱開放人道走廊的說法。