

Statement by NATO Heads of State and Government  20220324

In the statement, NATO considers Putin’s aggression in Ukraine “shattered peace in Europe,” together with the “threatens global security,” suggesting that not only the NATO members should involve if the situation becomes severe, but also the rest of the world need to care.
The terms in the statement relate to several legal documents, forming the specific premise; and leading to distinct legal effects.

華盛頓條約The Washington Treaty
Article 10
The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other European State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area to accede to this Treaty. Any State so invited may become a Party to the Treaty by depositing its instrument of accession with the Government of the United States of America. The Government of the United States of America will inform each of the Parties of the deposit of each such instrument of accession.  締約雙方得以一致同意的協議,邀請任何其他有能力推進本條約原則並對北大西洋地區安全作出貢獻的歐洲國家加入本條約。任何被邀請的國家均可通過向美利堅合眾國政府交存其加入書成為該條約的締約方。美利堅合眾國政府將向每一締約方通報每份此類加入書的交存情況。

20220324 北約共同聲明Statement by NATO Heads of State and Government   NATO 20220324/ Taimocracy翻譯 w G

We, the Heads of State and Government of the 30 NATO Allies, have met today to address Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the gravest threat to Euro-Atlantic security in decades.  Russia’s war against Ukraine has shattered peace in Europe and is causing enormous human suffering and destruction.  我們,30 個北約盟國的國家元首和政府首腦今天開會討論對應俄羅斯對烏克蘭的侵略,這是幾十年來對歐洲-大西洋安全的最嚴重威脅。俄羅斯對烏克蘭的戰爭破壞了歐洲的和平,並造成巨大的人類痛苦和破壞

We condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the strongest possible terms. We call on President Putin to immediately stop this war and withdraw military forces from Ukraine, and call on Belarus to end its complicity, in line with the Aggression Against Ukraine Resolution adopted at the UN General Assembly of 2 March 2022.  Russia should comply with the 16 March ruling by the UN International Court of Justice and immediately suspend military operations.  Russia’s attack on Ukraine threatens global security. Its assault on international norms makes the world less safe. President Putin’s escalatory rhetoric is irresponsible and destabilizing.  我們以最強烈的措辭譴責俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭。我們呼籲普丁總統立即停止這場戰爭並從烏克蘭撤軍,並呼籲白羅斯根據 2022 3 2 日聯合國大會通過的侵略烏克蘭決議結束其共謀行為。俄羅斯應遵守 316日聯合國國際法院作出裁決,立即暫停軍事行動。俄羅斯對烏克蘭的襲擊威脅到全球安全。它對國際準則的攻擊使世界變得不那麼安全。普丁總統的升級言論是不負責任和破壞穩定的。

Ukrainians have inspired the world with heroic resistance to Russia’s brutal war of conquest.  We strongly condemn Russia’s devastating attacks on civilians, including women, children, and persons in vulnerable situations. We will work with the rest of the international community to hold accountable those responsible for violations of humanitarian and international law, including war crimes. We are deeply concerned about the increased risk of sexual violence and human trafficking. We urge Russia to allow rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access and safe passage for civilians, and to allow for humanitarian aid to be delivered to Mariupol and other besieged cities. We also condemn attacks against civilian infrastructure, including those endangering nuclear power plants. We will continue to counter Russia’s lies about its attack on Ukraine and expose fabricated narratives or manufactured “false flag” operations to prepare the ground for further escalation, including against the civilian population of Ukraine.  Any use by Russia of a chemical or biological weapon would be unacceptable and result in severe consequences.  烏克蘭人以英勇抵抗俄羅斯殘酷的征服戰爭鼓舞了世界。我們強烈譴責俄羅斯對平民,包括婦女、兒童和處於弱勢地位的人的毀滅性襲擊。我們將與國際社會其他成員合作,追究那些違反人道主義和國際法,包括戰爭罪的個人的責任。我們對性暴力和人口販運的風險增加深感關切。我們敦促俄羅斯允許快速、安全和不受阻礙的人道主義准入和平民安全通道,並允許將人道主義援助運送到馬里烏波爾和其他被圍困的城市。我們還譴責對民用基礎設施的攻擊,包括那些危及核電站的攻擊。我們將繼續反駁俄羅斯關於其襲擊烏克蘭的謊言,並揭露捏造的敘述或製造的「假旗」行動,為進一步升級做好準備,包括針對烏克蘭平民的行動。俄羅斯使用任何化學或生物武器都是不可接受的,並會導致嚴重後果

Russia needs to show it is serious about negotiations by immediately implementing a ceasefire. We call on Russia to engage constructively in credible negotiations with Ukraine to achieve concrete results, starting with a sustainable ceasefire and moving towards a complete withdrawal of its troops from Ukrainian territory.  Russia’s continuing aggression while discussions are taking place is deplorable.  We support Ukraine’s efforts to achieve peace, and those undertaken diplomatically by Allies to weigh in on Russia to end the war and relieve human suffering俄羅斯需要通過立即實施停火來表明它對談判的認真態度。我們呼籲俄羅斯建設性地與烏克蘭進行有信用的談判,以取得具體成果,可從能持續的停火開始,並逐步將其軍隊完全撤出烏克蘭領土。俄羅斯在討論期間繼續進行侵略是可悲的。我們支持烏克蘭實現和平的努力,以及盟國為向俄羅斯施加壓力以結束戰爭和減輕人類痛苦而採取的外交努力

We stand in full solidarity with President Zelenskyy, the government of Ukraine, and with the brave Ukrainian citizens who are defending their homeland.  We honour all those killed, injured, and displaced by Russia’s aggression, as well as their families. We reaffirm our unwavering support for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders extending to its territorial waters我們全力聲援澤連斯基總統、烏克蘭政府,以及保衛家園的勇敢的烏克蘭公民。 我們向所有因俄羅斯侵略而喪生、受傷和流離失所的人及其家人表示敬意。我們重申堅定不移地支持烏克蘭在其國際公認邊界內的獨立、主權和領土完整,並延伸至其領海

Ukraine has a fundamental right to self-defence under the United Nations Charter.   Since 2014, we have provided extensive support to Ukraine’s ability to exercise that right.  We have trained Ukraine’s armed forces, strengthening their military capabilities and capacities and enhancing their resilience.  NATO Allies have stepped up their support and will continue to provide further political and practical support to Ukraine as it continues to defend itself.  NATO Allies will also continue to provide assistance in such areas as cybersecurity and protection against threats of a chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear nature.  NATO Allies also provide extensive humanitarian support and are hosting millions of refugees.  Foreign Ministers will discuss further our support to Ukraine when they meet in April.  根據《聯合國憲章》,烏克蘭享有自衛的基本權利 2014 年以來,我們為烏克蘭行使這一權利的能力提供了廣泛支持。我們訓練了烏克蘭武裝部隊,增強了他們的軍事能力和能力,增強了他們的應變能力。北約盟國加大了支持力度,並將繼續為烏克蘭提供進一步的政治和實際支持,因為它繼續進行自衛。北約盟國還將繼續在網絡安全和防止化學、生物、放射和核威脅等領域提供援助。北約盟國也提供廣泛的人道主義支持,並收容了數百萬難民。外長們將在四月會晤時進一步討論我們對烏克蘭的支持。

We are united in our resolve to counter Russia’s attempts to destroy the foundations of international security and stability. We are holding Russia and Belarus to account.  Massive sanctions and heavy political costs have been imposed on Russia in order to bring an end to this war. We remain determined to maintain coordinated international pressure on Russia. We will continue to coordinate closely with relevant stakeholders and other international organizations, including the European Union. Transatlantic coordination remains crucial for an effective response to the current crisis.  我們團結一致,共同打擊俄羅斯破壞國際安全與穩定基礎的企圖。我們正在追究俄羅斯白羅斯的責任。為了結束這場戰爭,俄羅斯已經承受巨大的制裁和沈重的政治代價。我們仍然決心對俄羅斯保持協調一致的國際壓力。我們將繼續與相關利益攸關方和包括歐盟在內的其他國際組織密切協調。跨大西洋協調對於有效應對當前危機仍然至關重要。

We call on all states, including the People’s Republic of China (PRC), to uphold the international order including the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, as enshrined in the UN Charter, to abstain from supporting Russia’s war effort in any way, and to refrain from any action that helps Russia circumvent sanctions. We are concerned by recent public comments by PRC officials and call on China to cease amplifying the Kremlin’s false narratives, in particular on the war and on NATO, and to promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict.  我們呼籲包括中華人民共和國(PRC)在內的所有國家維護《聯合國憲章》所載的包括主權和領土完整原則在內的國際秩序,不以任何方式支持俄羅斯的戰爭努力,並避免採取任何有助於俄羅斯規避制裁的行動我們對中國官員最近的公開評論感到擔憂,並呼籲中國停止放大克里姆林宮的虛假敘述,特別是關於戰爭和北約的虛假敘述,並促進和平解決衝突。 

We remain committed to the foundational principles underpinning European and global security, including that each nation has the right to choose its own security arrangements free from outside interference. We reaffirm our commitment to NATO’s Open Door Policy under Article 10 of the Washington Treaty.  我們仍然致力於支持歐洲和全球安全的基本原則,包括每個國家都有權選擇自己的安全安排,不受外界干擾。我們重申我們對《華盛頓條約》第 10 條規定的北約門戶開放政策的承諾。

We are providing tailored support to partners affected by Russian threats and interference and will step up our assistance to help them resist Russian malign influence and strengthen their resilience, based on our partners’ requests and our long-standing partnership programmes. In April, Foreign Ministers will consider concrete proposals for enhancing our support to these partners.  我們正在為受俄羅斯威脅和干擾影響的合作夥伴提供量身訂製的支持,並將根據我們合作夥伴的要求和我們長期的合作夥伴計劃,加大援助力度,幫助他們抵禦俄羅斯的惡意影響並增強他們的復原力。4月份,外長們將審議加強我們對這些夥伴的支持的具體建議。

We will continue to take all necessary steps to protect and defend the security of our Allied populations and every inch of Allied territory. Our commitment to Article 5 of the Washington Treaty is iron-clad.  我們將繼續採取一切必要措施,保護和捍衛我們盟國人民和盟軍每一寸領土的安全。 我們對《華盛頓條約》第 5 條的承諾是鐵板釘釘的。 

In response to Russia’s actions, we have activated NATO’s defence plans, deployed elements of the NATO Response Force, and placed 40,000 troops on our eastern flank, along with significant air and naval assets, under direct NATO command supported by Allies’ national deployments. We are also establishing four additional multinational battlegroups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. We are taking all measures and decisions to ensure the security and defence of all Allies across all domains and with a 360-degree approachOur measures remain preventive, proportionate, and non-escalatory. We will now accelerate NATO’s transformation for a more dangerous strategic reality, including through the adoption of the next Strategic Concept in Madrid. In light of the gravest threat to Euro-Atlantic security in decades, we will also significantly strengthen our longer term deterrence and defence posture and will further develop the full range of ready forces and capabilities necessary to maintain credible deterrence and defence. These steps will be supported by enhanced exercises with an increased focus on collective defence and interoperability.  為應對俄羅斯的行動,我們啟動了北約的防禦計劃,部署了北約反應部隊單位,並在我們的東翼部署了 40,000 名士兵以及重要的空軍和海軍資產,在盟國國家部署的支持下,由北約直接指揮。我們還在保加利亞、匈牙利、羅馬尼亞和斯洛伐克建立了另外四個多國戰鬥群。我們正在採取一切措施和決策, 360 度全方位的方式確保所有盟國在所有領域的安全和防禦。我們的措施仍然是預防性的、相稱的非升級的。我們現在將加速北約的轉型,以對應更危險的戰略現實,包括將採用未來在馬德里通過的下一代戰略構想。鑑於幾十年來歐洲-大西洋安全面臨的最嚴重威脅,我們還將顯著加強我們的長期威懾和防禦態勢,並將進一步發展維持可靠威懾和防禦所需的全套現成部隊和能力。這些步驟將得到加強演習的支持,更加注重集體防禦操作互通性

We are increasing the resilience of our societies and our infrastructure to counter Russia’s malign influence. We are enhancing our cyber capabilities and defences, providing support to each other in the event of cyber-attacks. We are ready to impose costs on those who harm us in cyberspace, and are increasing information exchange and situational awareness, enhancing civil preparedness, and strengthening our ability to respond to disinformation. We will also enhance our preparedness and readiness for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats. We will take further decisions when we meet in Madrid.  我們正在提高我們社會和基礎設施的復原力,以對抗俄羅斯的惡意影響。我們正在加強我們的網絡能力和防禦,在發生網絡攻擊時相互提供支持。我們準備好讓那些在網絡空間傷害我們的人付出代價,並正在加強信息交流和態勢感知,加強公民準備,並加強我們應對虛假信息的能力。 我們還將加強對化學、生物、放射和核威脅的準備和準備。當我們在馬德里會面時,我們將做出進一步的決定。

The steps we are taking to ensure the security of our Alliance and of the Euro-Atlantic area will require adequate resourcing.  Allies are substantially increasing their defence expenditures. Today, we have decided to accelerate our efforts to fulfil our commitment to the Defence Investment Pledge in its entirety. In line with our commitment in Article 3 of the Washington Treaty, we will further strengthen our individual and collective capacity to resist all forms of attack. At our meeting in Madrid, we will submit additional plans on how to meet the Pledge.  我們為確保我們的聯盟和歐洲大西洋地區的安全而採取的措施將需要足夠的資源。盟國大幅增加國防開支。今天,我們決定加快努力,全面履行我們對國防投資承諾的承諾。根據我們在《華盛頓條約》第 3 條中的承諾,我們將進一步加強我們個別和集體抵抗一切形式攻擊的能力。在馬德里的會議上,我們將提交關於如何履行承諾的額外計劃

Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine represents a fundamental challenge to the values and norms that have brought security and prosperity to all on the European continent. President Putin’s choice to attack Ukraine is a strategic mistake, with grave consequences also for Russia and the Russian people. We remain united and resolute in our determination to oppose Russia’s aggression, aid the government and the people of Ukraine, and defend the security of all Allies.  俄羅斯對烏克蘭的無端戰爭是對給歐洲大陸所有人帶來安全和繁榮的價值觀和規範根本挑戰。普丁總統選擇攻擊烏克蘭是一個戰略錯誤,也給俄羅斯和俄羅斯人民帶來嚴重後果。我們始終團結一致,堅決反對俄羅斯的侵略,援助烏克蘭政府和人民,捍衛所有盟國的安全。


