

烏克蘭控俄羅斯 中國籍薛法官的聲明 ICJ 20220316/Taimocracy翻譯

Declaration of Judge Xue 中國籍薛法官的聲明    ICJ 20220316/Taimocracy翻譯

1. While fully endorsing the call that the military operations in Ukraine should immediately be brought to an end so as to restore peace in the country as well as in the region, Judge Xue reserves her position on the first two provisional measures indicated in the Order. She considers that those measures are not linked with the rights that Ukraine may plausibly claim under the Genocide Convention. More importantly, given the complicated circumstances that give rise to the conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, she questions whether the measures that the Russian Federation is solely required to take will contribute to the resolution of the crisis in Ukraine. 薛法官完全支持立即停止在烏克蘭的軍事行動以恢復國家和地區和平的呼籲,但保留對命令中前兩項臨時措施的立場。她認為,這些措施與烏克蘭可能根據《滅絕種族罪公約》合理主張的權利無關 更重要的是,鑑於引發烏克蘭與俄羅斯聯邦衝突的複雜情況,她質疑俄羅斯聯邦應採取的些許措施,是否有助於解決烏克蘭危機。

2. Judge Xue considers that the acts complained of by Ukraine namely Russia’s recognition of the independence of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine and Russia’s military operations in Ukraine cannot be directly addressed by the interpretation and application of the provisions of the Genocide Convention, as the issues they have raised are concerned with questions of recognition and use of force in international law. They do not appear to be capable of falling within the scope of the Genocide Convention. 薛法官認為,烏克蘭所控訴的行為——即俄羅斯承認烏克蘭盧甘斯克和頓涅茨克地區的獨立以及俄羅斯在烏克蘭的軍事行動——不能直接通過《滅絕種族罪公約》條款的解釋和適用來解決,因為他們提出的問題涉及國際法中承認和使用武力的問題 它們顯然不屬於《滅絕種族罪公約》的範圍。

3. Judge Xue states that Ukraine’s contention is based on a mischaracterization of the Russian Federation’s position on its military operations. She notes that the Russian Federation invokes Article 51 of the United Nations Charter on self-defence and customary international law as the legal basis for its military operations. Nowhere has the Russian Federation claimed that the Genocide Convention authorizes it to use force against Ukraine as a means of fulfilling its obligation under Article I thereof to prevent and punish genocide. Whether the Russian Federation may exercise self-defence as it claims under the circumstances is apparently not governed by the Genocide Convention. 薛法官表示,烏克蘭的論點是基於對俄羅斯聯邦對其軍事行動立場的錯誤描述。 她指出,俄羅斯聯邦援引《聯合國憲章》關於自衛 51 習慣國際法作為其軍事行動的法律依據 俄羅斯聯邦在任何地方都沒有聲稱《滅絕種族罪公約》授權它對烏克蘭使用武力,作為履行其根據第一條防止和懲治種族滅絕的義務的一種手段。 俄羅斯聯邦在這種情況下是否可以如其聲稱的那樣進行自衛顯然不受《滅絕種族罪公約》的約束

4. Judge Xue points out that as Ukraine’s claim ultimately boils down to the very question whether recourse to use of force is permitted under international law in case of genocide, Ukraine’s grievances against the Russian Federation directly bear on the legality of use of force by Russia under general international law rather than the Genocide Convention; therefore, the rights and obligations that Ukraine claims are not plausible under the Genocide Convention. 薛法官指出,由於烏克蘭的主張最終歸結為在種族滅絕的情況下國際法是否允許訴諸武力這一問題,烏克蘭對俄羅斯聯邦的不滿直接關係到俄羅斯總體上使用武力的合法性 國際法而不是《滅絕種族罪公約》; 因此,烏克蘭根據《滅絕種族罪公約》聲稱的權利和義務是不合理的

5. Judge Xue refers to the Legality of Use of Force cases, where the Court reminded the States before it that “they remain in any event responsible for acts attributed to them that violate international law, including humanitarian law; whereas any disputes relating to the legality of such acts are required to be resolved by peaceful means, the choice of which, pursuant to Article 33 of the Charter, is left to the parties”. 薛法官提到了使用武力的合法性案件,法院在該案件中提醒當事國,「無論如何,他們仍應對歸咎於他們的違反國際法,包括人道主義法的行為負責; 而與此類行為的合法性有關的任何爭議都需要以和平方式解決,根據《憲章》第33選擇哪種方式由當事方決定」。

6. Judge Xue underscores that the present situation in Ukraine demands all efforts that will contribute to a peaceful resolution of the dispute between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. She regrets that the Order prejudges the merits of the case (see paragraphs 56-59 of the Order) and doubts that the measures indicated can be meaningfully and effectively implemented by only one Party to the conflict. When the situation on the ground requires urgent and serious negotiations. 薛法官強調,烏克蘭目前的局勢要求作出一切有助於和平解決烏克蘭與俄羅斯聯邦之間爭端的努力。 她感到遺憾的是,該命令預先判斷了案件的案情(見該命令第 56-59 段),並懷疑所指出的措施只能由衝突一方有意義和有效地執行。 當現場局勢需要緊急和認真的談判以迅速解決時,該命令的影響仍有待觀察


