

20220316 國際法院判決日,拜登認為普丁是戰犯


國際法院判決出來當日20220316,拜登認為普丁是「戰爭罪犯」War Criminal


Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation)




ICJ 20220316 


The Court concludes from all of the above considerations that the conditions required by its Statute for it to indicate provisional measures are met. It is therefore necessary, pending its final decision, for the Court to indicate certain measures in order to protect the right of Ukraine that the Court has found to be plausible. The Court recalls that it has the power, under its Statute, when a request for provisional measures has been made, to indicate measures that are, in whole or in part, other than those requested.  法院根據上述所有考慮得出結論,已符合〈規約〉規定所指示臨時措施的條件。 因此,在作出最終裁決之前,法院有必要表明某些措施,以保護法院認為合理的烏克蘭權利。 法院回顧:根據其〈規約〉,當提出臨時措施請求時,它有權指明全部或部分與所請求的措施不同的措施。

In the present case, having considered the terms of the provisional measures requested by Ukraine and the circumstances of the case, the Court finds that the measures to be indicated need not be identical to those requested. The Court considers that, with regard to the situation described above, the Russian Federation must, pending the final decision in the case, suspend the military operations that it commenced on 24 February 2022 in the territory of Ukraine. In addition, recalling the statement of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations that the “Donetsk People’s Republic” and the “Lugansk People’s Republic” had turned to the Russian Federation with a request to grant military support, the Court considers that the Russian Federation must also ensure that any military or irregular armed units which may be directed or supported by it, as well as any organizations and persons which may be subject to its control or direction, take no steps in furtherance of these military operations. 在本案中,在考慮了烏克蘭請求的「臨時措施」的條款和案件具體情況後,法院認為,所要求的措施不必與請求的措施相同。法院認為,就上述情況而言,俄羅斯聯邦必須在對該案作出最終裁決之前,暫停其於 2022 2 24 日在烏克蘭境內開始的軍事行動。此外,回顧俄羅斯聯邦常駐聯合國代表關於「頓涅茨克人民共和國」和「盧甘斯克人民共和國」已向俄羅斯聯邦請求提供軍事支持的聲明,法院認為俄羅斯聯邦還必須確保任何可能由其指揮或支持的軍事或非正規武裝部隊,以及可能受其控制或指揮的任何組織和個人,不得採取任何步驟來推進這些軍事行動

The Court recalls that Ukraine also requested it to indicate measures aimed at ensuring the non-aggravation of the dispute with the Russian Federation. When it indicates provisional measures for the purpose of preserving specific rights, the Court may also indicate provisional measures with a view to preventing the aggravation or extension of the dispute if it considers that the circumstances so require. In the present case, having considered all the circumstances, in addition to the specific measures it has decided to order, the Court deems it necessary to indicate an additional measure directed to both Parties and aimed at ensuring the non-aggravation of the dispute. 法院回顧:烏克蘭還要求其說明旨在確保不加劇與俄羅斯聯邦爭端的措施 法院在指示為維護特定權利的「臨時措施」時,如果認為情況需要,也可以指示「臨時措施」以防止爭端的惡化或擴大。 在本案中,考慮到所有情況,除了已決定下令採取的具體措施外,法院認為有必要指明針對雙方並旨在確保不加劇爭端的額外措施。

The Court further recalls that Ukraine requested it to indicate a provisional measure directing the Russian Federation to “provide a report to the Court on measures taken to implement the Court’s Order on Provisional Measures one week after such Order and then on a regular basis to be fixed by the Court”. In the circumstances of the present case, however, the Court declines to indicate this measure. 法院進一步回顧,烏克蘭要求其表明一項「臨時措施」,要求俄羅斯聯邦「向法院提交一份報告,說明在法院『臨時措施』發出後一周,採取了何種措施,然後由法院定期確認」。 然而,在本案的情況下,法院拒絕表明這一措施。


