

ICC 國際刑事法院對烏克蘭案的聲明


〈羅馬規約〉第十五條之三 對侵略罪行使管轄權(安全理事會提交情勢)
(一) 在不違反本條規定的情況下,法院可根據第十三條第 2 項對侵略罪行使管轄權。
(二) 法院僅可對修正案獲得三十個締約國批准或接受一年後發生的侵略罪行使管轄權。
(三) 法院根據本條對侵略罪行使管轄權,但需由締約國在 2017 1 1 日後以通過本規約修正案所需的同樣多數做出一項決定。
(四) 法院以外的機構認定侵略行為不妨礙法院根據本規約自行得出的結論。
(五) 本條不妨礙關於對第五條所指其他犯罪行使管轄權的規定。

第五條 法院管轄權內的犯罪
() 本法院的管轄權限於整個國際社會關注的最嚴重犯罪。本法院根據本規約,對下列犯罪具有管轄權:



20220316  Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, on his visits to Ukraine and Poland: “Engagement with all actors critical for effective, independent investigations.”

If attacks are intentionally directed against the civilian population: that is a crime that my Office may investigative and prosecute. If attacks are intentionally directed against civilian objects, including hospitals: that is a crime that my Office may investigate and prosecute. 如果攻擊是故意針對平民的:這是我的辦公室可以調查和起訴的罪行。 如果攻擊是故意針對包括醫院在內的民用物體:這是我的辦公室可以調查和起訴的罪行。

Those taking part in these hostilities, whether as regular armed forces, militias, or self-defence groups, must know that in putting on a uniform or by carrying weapons they are not absolved of responsibility but indeed they take on extra legal obligations. For those that do not act in accordance with international humanitarian law, my Office is empowered to take action to ensure that those who have committed international crimes are held accountable in accordance with the Rome Statute. We are already actively collecting evidence in pursuit of this objective, and I believe my visit today will strengthen that work. 參加這些敵對行動的人,無論是作為正規武裝部隊、民兵還是自衛組織,都必須知道,穿上制服或攜帶武器並不能免除他們的責任,但實際上他們承擔了額外的法律義務 對於那些不按照國際人道主義法行事的人,我的辦公室有權採取行動,確保根據《羅馬規約》追究那些犯下國際罪行的人的責任。 我們已經在積極收集證據以實現這一目標,我相信我今天的訪問將加強這項工作。


20220311  Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, on the Situation in Ukraine: Additional Referrals from Japan and North Macedonia; Contact portal launched for provision of information

Today, I can confirm that an additional two States, Japan and North Macedonia have referred the Situation in Ukraine to my Office, bringing the total number of referring States to 41.  今天,我可以確認,另外兩個國家,日本和北馬其頓已將烏克蘭局勢提交到我辦公室,使提交國家的總數達到 41 個。

International criminal investigations require the engagement of all those who may hold information relevant to our work. Witnesses, survivors and affected communities in particular must be empowered to actively contribute to our investigations. There can be no bystanders in our effort to establish the truth and pursue those allegedly responsible for international crimes.  國際刑事調查需要所有可能掌握與我們工作相關信息的人的參與。證人、倖存者和受影響的社區尤其必須有權積極參與我們的調查。在我們努力查明真相並追捕據稱對國際罪行負有責任的人的過程中,不能有旁觀者

I can therefore announce today that my Office has established a dedicated portal through which any person that may hold information relevant to the Ukraine situation can contact our investigators. I encourage all those with relevant information to come forward and contact our Team through this platform, which can be accessed here.  因此,我今天可以宣布,我的辦公室已經建立了一個專門的門戶網站,任何可能掌握與烏克蘭局勢相關信息的人都可以通過該門戶網站聯繫我們的調查人員。 我鼓勵所有有相關信息的人站出來通過這個平台聯繫我們的團隊,可以在這裡連結。

I note, in particular, that if attacks are intentionally directed against the civilian population: that is a crime. If attacks are intentionally directed against civilian objects: that is a crime. I strongly urge parties to the conflict to avoid the use of heavy explosive weapons in populated areas.  我特別指出,如果是故意針對平民的攻擊:那就是犯罪 如果是故意針對民用目標的攻擊:那就是犯罪。我強烈敦促衝突各方避免在人口稠密地區使用重型爆炸性武器。

There is no legal justification, there is no excuse, for attacks which are indiscriminate, or which are disproportionate in their effects on the civilian population.  不分青紅皂白的攻擊,或對平民造成的影響不成比例的攻擊,既無法律依據,也沒有任何藉口


20220302  ICC Presidency assigns the Situation in Ukraine to Pre-Trial Chamber II

The Presidency of the International Criminal Court ("ICC" or the "Court") has assigned the Situation in Ukraine to Pre-Trial Chamber II, composed of Judge Antoine Kesia-Mbe Mindua, Judge Tomoko Akane and Judge Rosario Salvatore Aitala. This decision follows the memorandum of the ICC Prosecutor, Karim A. A. Khan QC, on 1 March 2022 informing the Presidency of his intention to submit a request for an authorisation to open an investigation into this Situation.  國際刑事法院(下稱「ICC」或「法院」)院長已將烏克蘭局勢分配給由 Antoine Kesia-Mbe Mindua 法官、Tomoko Akane 法官和 Rosario Salvatore Aitala 法官組成的第二預審分庭。該決定是在 2022 3 1 日國際刑事法院檢察官Karim A. A. Khan QC的備忘錄之後做出的,該備忘錄通知總統他打算提交授權對這一情況展開調查的請求。

The Prosecutor has notified the judges of his intention to submit a request under article 15(3) of the Rome Statute seeking authorisation to open an investigation into the Situation in Ukraine with respect to alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine from 21 November 2013 onwards.  檢察官已通知法官,他打算根據《羅馬規約》第 15 條第 3 款提交請求,尋求授權從 2013 11 21 日起對烏克蘭境內的戰爭罪和危害人類罪指控展開調查向前。

Once the Prosecutor submits his request in accordance with the ICC Rome Statute, it will then be for the Judges of Pre-Trial Chamber II to decide whether or not to authorise the Prosecutor to open an investigation into the Situation. The Judges will have to consider whether there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation, upon examination of the Prosecutor's request and the supporting material.  一旦檢察官根據《國際刑事法院羅馬規約》提出請求,將由第二預審分庭的法官決定是否授權檢察官對該情況展開調查。在審查檢察官的請求和支持材料後,法官將不得不考慮是否有合理的依據進行調查。



20220228  Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, on the Situation in Ukraine: “I have decided to proceed with opening an investigation.”

Last Friday, I expressed my increasing concern, echoing those of world leaders and citizens of the world alike, over the events unfolding in Ukraine.  上週五,我表達了我對烏克蘭發生的事件的日益關注,與世界領導人和世界公民的觀點相呼應。

Today, I wish to announce that I have decided to proceed with opening an investigation into the Situation in Ukraine, as rapidly as possible.  今天,我要宣布,我已決定盡快著手對烏克蘭局勢展開調查

The first declaration lodged by the Government of Ukraine accepted ICC jurisdiction with respect to alleged crimes committed on Ukrainian territory from 21 November 2013 to 22 February 2014. The second declaration extended this time period on an open-ended basis to encompass ongoing alleged crimes committed throughout the territory of Ukraine from 20 February 2014 onwards.  烏克蘭政府提交的第一份聲明接受了國際刑事法院對 2013 11 21 日至 2014 2 22 日期間在烏克蘭境內所犯罪行的管轄。第二份聲明擴展時間從 2014 2 20 日起在烏克蘭境內的罪行。


20220225  Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, on the Situation in Ukraine: “I have been closely following recent developments in and around Ukraine with increasing concern.”

I remind all sides conducting hostilities on the territory of Ukraine that pursuant to the declaration lodged on 8 September 2015, accepting jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court ("ICC" or the "Court"), my Office may exercise its jurisdiction over and investigate any act of genocide, crime against humanity or war crime committed within the territory of Ukraine since 20 February 2014 onwards.  我提醒在烏克蘭領土上進行敵對行動的所有各方,根據 2015 9 8 日提交的聲明,接受國際刑事法院(下稱「ICC」或「法院」)的管轄權,我的辦公室可以對任何 2014 2 20 日起在烏克蘭境內的種族滅絕罪、危害人類罪或戰爭罪行為進行調查

Given that neither Ukraine nor the Russian Federation are State Parties to the Rome Statute, the Court cannot exercise jurisdiction over this alleged crime in this situation.  鑑於烏克蘭和俄羅斯聯邦都不是《羅馬規約》的締約國,法院在這種情況下不能對這一被指控的罪行行使管轄權

My Office will continue to closely monitor the Situation in Ukraine. In the independent and impartial exercise of its mandate, the Office remains fully committed to the prevention of atrocity crimes and to ensuring that anyone responsible for such crimes is held accountable.  我的辦公室將繼續密切監測烏克蘭局勢。 在獨立和公正地履行其職責的過程中,該辦公室仍然充分致力於預防暴行罪,並確保追究應對此類罪行負責的任何人的責任。


