

Dual-status command 州長的雙態指揮權

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The U.S. creates a dual-status command system, under the control of the governor, to meet the challenge within a state.  The governor controls the state and the federal troops, including the soldiers of the Army and Army Reserve, whenever necessary.

Multiple services come together under dual-status command    National Guard 20200622

NEW YORK – When Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo decided New York City needed federal troops to help cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, Maj. Gen. Ray Shields, the adjutant general of New York, thought the New York National Guard should designate a dual-status commander.

In the aftermath of 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, the dual-status command concept allowed a National Guard officer to command both federal and state troops responding to a domestic emergency.

Since the dual-status commander is a National Guard officer, it gives the governor the ability to control both state and federal troops – for example, Active Army and Army Reserve Soldiers – operating in their state.

Brig. Gen. Michel Natali, New York’s assistant adjutant general, Army, was named New York’s dual-status commander and led the efforts of 1,700 federal and New York National Guard troops supporting New York City and the stress on its health care system.

The Jacob Javits Convention Center became a hospital, medical warehouse and command post; active-duty and reserve military personnel were sent into city hospitals to help overwhelmed medical staff, and Active Army mortuary affairs troops teamed with Guard Soldiers and Airmen to help the medical examiner’s office.

New York was one of eight states to create dual-status commands to deal with pandemic response missions.



