

朕即國家 永不道歉

【縛雞之見】英文請拷到 Google / DeepL 找中文翻譯

By reshaping the story, Chen Shi-Chung, the Commander of Taiwan’s Central of Epidemic Control Command (CECC), gets rid of his responsibility on the people who vaccinated the locally developed vaccine Medigen. They cannot go abroad due to the recognition of the relating countries, except the four countries such as Palau and New Zealand.

Medigen Biotech is the only local vaccine company that gets the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), besides the other two. 

The Medigen did not start the critical third phase human trial before the EUA in June 2021 from the government.  The government quickly ordered five million doses of vaccines before the general public has not aware of it. 

The government approved the EUA on the ground of so-called “immune-bridging.”  The so-called “immune-bridging,” in the practice of Medigen, was not a real one, in which two groups of volunteers in a new independent trial to check up on the result of the infection of COVID-19 after they get two vaccines simultaneously during the same time.

The government quickly agreed Medigen expanding its capacity for the phase two trial by comparing two results of the experiments: one from the result by the Medigen, the other was from the data in a previous COVID-19 outbreak hospital persons.  They are different experiments, yet the Medigen and the government called it “immune-like-bridging.”

The comparison of the two is obvious: Medigen’s protection figures are thus way better than that of the doctors and nurses in that contaminated hospital before.  When the time the government approved the EUA, Medigen did not even start its phase three experiment.

People, however, are full of confidence to get the shots.

The international community does not recognize the Medigen vaccine as a legitimate one, for it has not followed the strict experiment process. 

Those who had the vaccine of Medigen face a dilemma, as some warned earlier, not allowed to enter most of the countries.

Commander Chen then reshapes the story and says it is the free choice of the people who received Medigen’s vaccines to get the extra shots, not to mention any of the risk. 

Chen adds they could consider, under their free will, to have extra two shots of the internally recognized vaccines if they need.  He tried not to mention any of the overdoses risks.

That is Commander Chan, an irresponsible Minister of Public Health and Welfare as such, with a fluent shill of language manipulation and the threatening of legal suing to the people who are questioning his behavior.


