



英國首相約翰遜議會明確說:英國的唯一作法是支持美國的全球領導地位    法廣 20210908


據新頭殼今天報道稱,英國是否挺台抗中威嚇,約翰遜(Boris Johnson)稱:支持美國領導全球。美國近日自阿富汗撤軍,北京藉機加大威嚇台灣力道,英國首相約翰遜近日在國會就相關議題答詢表示,台灣局勢將持續困難,英國的唯一作法是支持美國的全球領導地位

據該報道,英國國會6日復會。前保守黨黨魁、對華政策跨國議會聯盟IPAC)成員史密斯(Iain Duncan Smith)當天詢問約翰遜,是否注意到自美國及盟友撤出阿富汗後,中國借題發揮、利用阿富汗事件加大威脅台灣力道,包括恐嚇台灣民眾,一旦戰爭爆發,美國不會馳援。史密斯問,約翰遜是否願意利用此答詢機會向台灣民眾表示,英國全力支持台灣擁有民主及自決(self-determination)的權利,並宣告無論中國說什麼,英國都會與台灣同在、支持台灣,以及英國是否有能力說服美國採取同樣作法。

據該報道,約翰遜回應,他近期曾與美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)深入討論中華人民共和國與台灣之間持續存在的問題。約翰遜指出,台灣局勢將持續困難;對此,英國的唯一正確作法就是支持美國的全球領導地位,而英國也將持續這麼做。

Sir Iain Duncan Smith

(Chingford and Woodford Green) (Con)

I thank my right hon. Friend for his statement. Has he noticed that the Chinese Government, since our departure from Afghanistan, have used Afghanistan to up their threats on Taiwan, with hundreds of overflights threatening the Taiwanese and telling them that, when the war comes, the US will not be there to support them? Could my right hon. Friend take this opportunity, from the Dispatch Box, to say to the Taiwanese and others that we fully support their right to democracy and self-determination and we will be there to support them no matter what the Chinese say, and could we persuade the Americans to do the same?

The Prime Minister

I thank my right hon. Friend and am of course aware of the continuing issues between the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan.  Indeed, I discussed that recently with the President of the United States, and it is one of the reasons why it is vital that this country continues to insist on the primacy of our relationship with the United States.  The situation in Taiwan will continue to be difficult, and the only way forward is to continue to support American global leadership, and that is what we will do.




