

USCG Legend-class Cutter Munro to Indo-Pacific, the fourth since 2018 美國海岸警衛隊Munro派駐印亞太

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The WMSL-755 is the fourth cutter of the US Coast Guard (USCG) dispatching to the West Pacific since 2018.  Seeing the threat of Chinese maritime paramilitary, or Little Blue Men, the US has to consider a way to counter.
 Sending the USCG under the tactical control of Commander of the 7th Fleet to establish a unified command is an option.
As USCG announced, it is a part of the US all-domain naval power of the US Navy service.  The USCG is not only a US federal law enforcement agency but an armed force, meaning that it joins worldwide military operations to serve the US foreign policy and the national interest of the US.

抵達西太平洋!美4600噸級「傳奇級」國安艦「孟洛號」現身    自由 20210814



海岸警衛隊太平洋地區指揮官麥卡利斯特(Michael McAllister)指出,海岸警衛隊獨特的能力與使命,使這個單位能與美國在全球各地的合作夥伴,針對海上安全問題信行合作,印太地區透過增加合作強化美方與夥伴的關係,這將有助於地區穩定,維護當地秩序,並改善海洋安全。


Alameda-based Coast Guard cutter arrives in Western Pacific for months-long deployment    US Coast Guard Pacific Area Public Affairs 20210814

ALAMEDA, Calif. – The Legend-class Cutter Munro (WMSL 755) arrived in the Western Pacific Sunday from its homeport in Alameda for a months-long deployment to the region.

The crew is operating in support of United States Indo-Pacific Command, which oversees military operations in the region.

Operating under the tactical control of Commander, 7th Fleet, the cutter crew plans to engage in professional exchanges and capacity-building exercises with partners and allies and will patrol and operate as directed.

“Forward-deployed Naval Forces routinely and seamlessly integrate as one maritime force with a proud heritage of serving and fighting together,” said Vice Adm. Karl Thomas, commander U.S. 7th Fleet.  “It is a fitting nod to that heritage that Munro joins us following the U.S. Coast Guard celebration of its 231st birthday on August 4.”

The Coast Guard’s deployment to the Indo-Pacific theater aligns with the Integrated All-Domain Naval Power of the Naval Service and increases the traditional influence of sea power regionally.

"The U.S. Coast Guard's unique authorities, capabilities, and missions position us to collaborate on maritime safety and security with partners around the world,” said Vice Adm. Michael F. McAllister, commander, Coast Guard Pacific Area.  An increased presence throughout the Indo-Pacific strengthens our alliances and partnerships through improved interoperability, which will enhance regional stability, promote rules-based order, and improve maritime governance and security in the region and globally.”

Coast Guard forces provide expertise within the mission sets of search and rescue; illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing; maritime environmental response; maritime security; and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.  Deployable Coast Guard cutters, port security units, and advanced interdiction teams are also highly capable in augmenting naval operations in theater.

As both a federal law enforcement agency and an armed force, the Coast Guard is uniquely positioned to conduct defense operations and security cooperation in support of combatant commanders on all seven continents.  The service routinely provides forces in joint military operations worldwide, including the deployment of cutters, boats, aircraft and deployable specialized forces.

The U.S. Coast Guard has a 150-year enduring role in the Indo-Pacific.  The service’s ongoing deployment of resources to the region directly supports U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives in the Indo-Pacific Strategy and the National Security Strategy.

Commissioned in 2017, Munro is one of four Coast Guard legend class national security cutters homeported in Alameda.  National security cutters are 418-feet long, 54-feet wide, and have a 4,600 long-ton displacement.  They have a top speed in excess of 28 knots, a range of 12,000 nautical miles, endurance of up to 90 days and can hold a crew of up to 170.  Munro is the second cutter named for Signalman First Class Douglas A. Munro, the only Coast Guardsman awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

National security cutters feature advanced command and control capabilities, aviation support facilities, stern cutter boat launch and increased endurance for long-range patrols to disrupt threats to national security further offshore.

Since 2018, three other Coast Guard Cutters – Bertholf, Stratton and Waesche – have deployed to the Western Pacific.




