

Mixing up irrelevant issues, the evacuation of Japanese citizens 一中下的日本撤僑?別鬧了

【縛雞之見】英文請拷到 Google / DeepL 找中文翻譯
The Sankei Shimbun reported that the JSDF has to retreat the Japanese from Taiwan and South Korea when an emergency happens.  But Taiwan is more complicated than South Korea. 
Japan follows the “Joint Communiqué of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China”, in which “The Government of Japan recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China.” 
The country has to obtain the permission of the host government to evacuate the citizens overseas.  The Japanese government thinks it has to get Beijing’s permission first to retreat Japanese citizens in Taiwan.  And that is a mission impossible. 
However, Japan thinks the emergency the wrong way. 
Beijing will take the Blitzkrieg tactic to invade Taiwan.  When the situation is out of control, Beijing will attack Japan simultaneously to cut off any support from Japan.  The so-called "permission from Beijing" is meaningless.  But it is the genuine question:  Does Taiwan a part of China?  The issue that Japan recognizes PRC as the sole legal Government of China is nothing to do with the status of Taiwan.
Does the Japanese government forget the fact that it protested the Secretary-General Pan-kee Moon after he made a false statement on March 28, 2007, in which Moon said that the UN has resolved that Taiwan is a part of China in the Resolution of UN General Assembly No. 2758 in 1971. 
Japan mixes irrelevant issues up and focuses on the tactical issues than the strategic targets.

台湾有事の邦人保護 先島島民避難と二正面 与那国など戦域の恐れ  大橋 拓史田中 靖人SankeiBiz 20210822













