

Lithuania: Taiwan or Taiwanese? 去立陶宛的是台灣,還是台灣的?

【縛雞之見】英文拷到 Google / DeepL 找中文翻譯
Beijing said the Lithuanian government allows the Taiwan authorities to open a representative office under the name of Taiwan. Beijing, without hesitation, warns the Lithuanian government and recalls the Chinese ambassador. 
A slightly different thing is Beijing also demands, asking especially with authority, Lithuania to recall its ambassador to China.
Remembers that Taiwan MOFA spokesperson Joanne Ou announced on July 2nd that Taiwan welcomed
Lithuania to set up a trade office in Taiwan. On the other hand, the Taiwan government will open “The Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania.” The webpage of the MOFA of Lithuania expressed the same “it has received a notification from Taipei that a Taiwanese representative office will open in Lithuania.” It is the Taiwanese representative, not the representative office of Taiwan, as Beijing pointed out. 
Another part is Beijing upgrades its one-China principle to the level of "a widely recognized norm of international relations" is not a fact.

外交部发言人就中方决定召回驻立陶宛大使发表谈话   中國外交部 20210810




Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's Remarks on China's Decision to Recall its Ambassador to Lithuania    2021/08/10

Recently, the Lithuanian Government, in disregard of China's repeated representations and articulation of potential consequences, has announced its decision to allow the Taiwan authorities to open a "representative office" under the name of "Taiwan".  The decision brazenly violates the spirit of the communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Lithuania and severely undermines China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.  The Chinese Government expresses its categorical opposition to this move.  China has decided to recall its Ambassador to Lithuania and demanded the Lithuanian Government recall its Ambassador to China.

The Chinese side warns the Lithuanian side that there is only one China in the world and the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China.  The one-China principle is a widely recognized norm of international relations and common consensus of the international community. It is the political foundation for China to develop bilateral relations with other countries. The Chinese Government and people have unswerving determination to achieve reunification of the country. The red line of safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity shall not be crossed. We urge the Lithuanian side to immediately rectify its wrong decision, take concrete measures to undo the damage, and not to move further down the wrong path. We also warn the Taiwan authorities that "Taiwan independence" is a dead end and any attempt at separatist activities in the international arena is doomed to fail.


