


【縛雞之見】英文請拷到 Google / DeepL 找中文翻譯
On August 27, President Biden’s statement on the Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19 revealed nothing after 90-day investigations of the U.S. Intelligence Community.  What is more, Biden is weak in his statement by saying: “The world deserves answers, and I will not rest until we get them.” 
Reading the statement, Biden is still using general terms instead of specific, implying that he and his staffs are helpless for the present moment.  Thinking that the U.S. is the most capable country to pursue the answers, the President of the U.S., do like a loser, uses ambiguous languages.  But the U.S. is not a loser.
Biden might be exhausted lately.

Statement by President Joe Biden on the Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19    The White House 20210827

This week, I received the report on the 90-day sprint I asked our intelligence community to conduct into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.  I am grateful for the thorough, careful, and objective work of our intelligence professionals, and while this review has concluded, our efforts to understand the origins of this pandemic will not rest.  We will do everything we can to trace the roots of this outbreak that has caused so much pain and death around the world, so that we can take every necessary precaution to prevent it from happening again.

Critical information about the origins of this pandemic exists in the People’s Republic of China, yet from the beginning, government officials in China have worked to prevent international investigators and members of the global public health community from accessing it.  To this day, the PRC continues to reject calls for transparency and withhold information, even as the toll of this pandemic continue to rise.  We needed this information rapidly, from the PRC, while the pandemic was still new.  Since taking office, my administration has renewed U.S. leadership in the World Health Organization and rallied allies and partners to renew focus on this critical question.  The world deserves answers, and I will not rest until we get them. Responsible nations do not shirk these kinds of responsibilities to the rest of the world. Pandemics do not respect international borders, and we all must better understand how COVID-19 came to be in order to prevent further pandemics.

The United States will continue working with like-minded partners around the world to press the PRC to fully share information and to cooperate with the World Health Organization’s Phase II evidence-based, expert-led determination into the origins of COVID-19 – including by providing access to all relevant data and evidence.  We will also continue to press the PRC to adhere to scientific norms and standards, including sharing information and data from the earliest days of the pandemic, protocols related to biosafety, and information from animal populations. We must have a full and transparent accounting of this global tragedy.  Nothing less is acceptable.

5 則留言:

  1. 美國官方報告的立場:

    1. 驢黨現在應該是該要為去年共產黨的"助選"報恩了.

      在台灣經歷過多次選舉,甚至見過做票的人, 看到敗燈曲線絕對一口咬定這有做票.

      會被共產黨的核威懾嚇到裝死嗎?? 有可能.

      台灣跟日本大概是"We have on our own".

  2. https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/3656307

    應該啟動叛國罪, 起訴那個老年癡呆和他身後的國安團隊.

