

Novavax:台灣是透過COVAX,而不是直接買 Taiwan prefers COVAX  by HoonTing


Taiwan, again, chose to acquire vaccines through COVAX, the WHO global sharing scheme.  What people do not understand is that WHO neither accepts Taiwan, in the name of Chinese Taipei, as an observer nor invites it as a yearly guest in WHA, why Taiwan preferred this channel to get vaccines?

Weird thing is that though Taiwan thinks WHO not friendly, however, the COVAX supplies more vaccines than Taiwan purchases directly to the manufacturers, according to CECC, the Central Epidemic Control Command.  The rough numbers are:
1.  1,260K doses via COVAX -- 200K+410K(AZ) and 240K+410K(moderna),
2.  267K doses direct from the manufacturers -- 17K(AZ)+150K(moderna). 
The COVAX offers Taiwan 4.7 folds of vaccines than Taiwan direct contracts to the manufactures.
The story replays again in Taiwan’s acquiring of Novavax, subunit protein vaccines.  Novavax says no contact with Taiwan, while CECC claims that it purchase vaccines with Novavax.  The truth exposes: Taiwan made a contract with COVAX, not Covavax the manufacture.
A contrasting scenario is that the Executive Yan authorized Terry Gou and TSMC to purchase 10 million doses of BNT vaccines in total on June 25th.  A week later, the vaccines will be arriving in Taiwan in early September, in partial delivery, according to the news report.
Why does the Taiwan administration prefer the indirect way to get vaccines?  Why Taiwan administration does the purchase so slow, while the donations are so quick.  The vaccines involve the lives of the people.
The Reuter reported: "Taiwan has opted to receive doses of NVX-CoV2373 through COVAX," Novavax said, referring to the vaccine's name and without giving details.  Taiwan Health Minister Chen Shih-Chung told reporters on Friday that apart from COVAX they were planning to talk about getting a "related quantity" direct from the company.  He did not elaborate.  There must be an inside story that we do not know and we have to make it in front of the public someday.

台灣再次選擇通過世衛組織全球共享計劃 COVAX 獲得疫苗。讓人不明白的是,WHO既不以「中華台北」的名義接受台灣作為觀察員,也不邀請台灣作為WHA的來賓,台灣為何傾向這個管道獲得疫苗?
奇怪的是,儘管台灣認為世衛組織不友好,但據中央流行病指揮中心稱,COVAX 提供的疫苗比台灣直接向製造商購買的要多。粗略的數字是:
1. 1,260K
劑量通過 COVAX -- 200K+410K(AZ) 240K+410K(moderna)
2. 267K
為台灣提供的疫苗是台灣直接與製造商簽訂契約提供的 4.7 倍。

台灣購買Novavax次單位蛋白疫苗的故事再次重演。Novavax 表示與台灣沒有聯繫,而 CECC 聲稱它向Novavax 購買疫苗。真相大白:台灣與COVAX簽訂了合同,而不是Covavax製造。
一個對比情景是,625日,嚴執行長授權郭台銘和台積電總共採購1000萬劑BNT疫苗。據新聞報導,一週後傳出:疫苗將於 9 月初抵達台灣,分批交付。

路透社報導:「台灣選擇透過 COVAX 接受 NVX-CoV2373Novavax指的是疫苗的名稱,但沒有提供詳細信息。台灣衛生部長陳時中周五告訴記者,除了 COVAX,他們還計劃討論直接從該公司獲取『相關數量』。他沒有詳細說明內容。」

Novavax says Taiwan has opted to get firm's COVID-19 vaccine via COVAX    Reuters 2021702

TAIPEI, July 2 (Reuters) - Taiwan has chosen to get the Novavax Inc (NVAX.O) COVID-19 vaccine via the COVAX global sharing scheme, the company said on Friday, which would add much needed shots to the island's immunisation programme.

Taiwan's vaccine orders include 4.76 million doses from COVAX, though so far it has only received slightly more than 600,000 from the scheme, all AstraZeneca PLC (AZN.L) shots.

Novavax, in an emailed statement, said it already had an agreement to supply its vaccine to the COVAX facility.

"Taiwan has opted to receive doses of NVX-CoV2373 through COVAX," it said, referring to the vaccine's name and without giving details. 「台灣選擇透過 COVAX 接受 NVX-CoV2373,」它說,指的是疫苗的名稱,但沒有提供詳細信息。

Taiwan Health Minister Chen Shih-chung told reporters on Friday that apart from COVAX they were planning to talk about getting a "related quantity" direct from the company.  He did not elaborate.  台灣衛生部長陳時中周五告訴記者,除了 COVAX,他們還計劃討論直接從該公司獲取「相關數量」。他沒有詳細說明。

Taiwan has struggled to speed up its vaccination programme due to global supply shortages, with only around 8% of its 23.5 million people having received at least one of the two-dose vaccine regimen as it deals with a cluster of domestic infections.

Last month Japan donated 1.24 million AstraZeneca doses and the United States 2.5 million Moderna Inc (MRNA.O) doses to Taiwan to help speed up vaccinations.

Novavax said last month its COVID-19 vaccine was more than 90% effective, including against a variety of concerning variants of the coronavirus in a large, late-stage U.S.-based clinical trial. read more

The study of nearly 30,000 volunteers in the United States and Mexico puts Novavax on track to file for emergency authorisation in the United States and elsewhere in the third quarter of 2021, the company said.

Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Christopher Cushing


