

Vaccine Price is a taboo to the administration. 儒雅之人三度發飆:遇到「價格之問」

Chen Shih-Chung, commander of CECC, Central Epidemic Control Command, get crazy in the press conference on Sunday when he was questioned about the price of the vaccines the government purchases.  This is the third time, as to my memory, a person with a gentle and elegant character like Chen gets crazy, including one time in the Parliament.  Chen even expressed that the exposure of the price may affect the delivery schedule.
Even the price of the red zones equipment of Taiwan’s indigenous submarine, such as sonar system, combat system, torpedo launcher, allowed the legislator to examine in a secret meeting.  There is no reason for the price of vaccines the administration purchase to become top national secrete.
In contrast to CECC sees price as a kind of national secret, the donators, Foxconn and TSMC, released their cost to the public, 35 USD/dose includes all the fees.
The governments of Taiwan, either central or local, tend not to reveal the purchasing price of goods and services due to the secret clause of the contract.  The secretary clause might be needed because of marketing practice, providing a special low price to specific buyer for strategic purpose; political reason, not to trigger unnecessary disturbance; or corrupt motivation, not revealing the unbelievable high price.  Buying BNT vaccines might involve Chinese political reasons; yet, buying the AstraZeneca and moderna ought not to have such Chinese trouble. 






合計經費 D=中央補助款A+地方補助款B+ 自籌款C
實際發生權責數 E、行政作業費 F
第一期款 G=(A+B)×20%
第二期款 H=(A+B)×40%
第三期款 I=(A+B)×20%
第四期款 J=實際執行數K-實際發包的自籌款部分C"-FG-H-I





