

Asking the donors apply thing they can't. 完成捐贈後,還有資格申請擴大適用年齡層?

【縛雞之見】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The administration is good at making simple things a mess.
Foxconn and TSMC have donated the vaccines to the administration.  However, the administration still asks them to apply the expansion of the vaccination from the adults whose age is above 18 years to the teens ranging from 12 to 18.
The point is the donors that have completed the donation are not qualified to apply anything that does not belong to them.  And it is Tzu Chi, which claimed to donate BNT for teens, not Foxconn and TSMC.
So why the administration so asked by using the essential lawyer skill that dogfights the opposite indefinitely.


BNT該補件?台積電、永齡這麼說    NOWNews 20210720






7 則留言:

  1. I'm afraid you are having a very poor understanding of quality systems.
    An approver being an appliant at the same time is not acceptable under any circumstances.
    Under this concept, CECC/CDC instead of TFDA being the applicant of EUA renewal is the only acceptable method.

    1. 同意 CH 您的看法。就報導內容最後一段,就是如此。這也是政府部門分工職責所在。








      (我也來腦補一段。記者訪問台積電或是鴻海永齡時的開場白:聽說依食藥署的規定 blah blah~~


  2. The issue is not about CO or CoC.
    The point is "who" is eligible to apply: the donors or the responsible authority.

    I am sorry that you did not stick to the facts and understanding the focus of the comment.
    The media reports that the FDA asked TSMC and Foxconn, which have ended up their donation, to apply FDA their vaccinations to extend from the adults to the age of 12-18.

    Having been completed the donation, Foxconn and TSMC can do nothing but follow the quality, the quantity, and the delivery. They have not eligible or have no right to involve in the rules and the practices of the vaccination. That is beyond the contract.

    I wonder why the administration requires such.

    The news updated - the CDC, as an applicant, will apply to the FDA for the extension. That is the right way.


  3. It is important to know media only presents one side of face - and most likely its preferred side.

    Being true that the donation is completed, and the vaccines are "possessed" by the government now, the government is not one of the concerned parties in the business contract. As a result, the manufacturer or agent have no contractual obligation to provide the required data to the government for EUA. It is reasonable this request will need TSMC and Foxconn's "help" to be submitted.

  4. CH seems to mix up concepts.
    The media might report what it prefers; however, the fact is the fact.
    It is nothing to do with what a media agency stands for.

    6/1: the ministry of Health and Welfare deleted EUA for BNT because its negotiation failed. And the news report said that the related technical data is for import.

    6/10: FDA confirmed that it is about to issue the EUA for J&J and BNT.

    So people can see that these are before the meet Gou, Liu, and Tsai in the Presidential Palace on 6/18. It means that EUA is about 40 days before the business contract, donation contract, not to mention import.

    The EUA we are talking about is the extension from the adult to the teens. Foxconn and TSMC did not talk about it ever. It is Tzu Chi that mentions it. If anyone should apply the extension to TFDA, it should be Tzu Chi or TCDC.

  5. Very good mentions. I have not been following these pieces of news closely, but I now do find the explanation from the minister acceptable.



    Back to the beginning, CDC already stated that they will apply for the inclusion. So you already answered your own question, right?

  6. That is right if the CDC applies.
    The news agency reported the other way in the first place: TSMC and Yong-lin should apply.

    However, they revised the report later.
    Don't know what is going wrong? (But the thing is going right.)

    Thank you for the sharing. It explains more in detail.


