抗衡中國太平洋影響力 馬克宏訪法屬玻里尼西亞 中央社 20210729
(中央社法屬玻里尼西亞巴比提28日綜合外電報導)為抗衡中國在太平洋地區日益擴大的優勢地位,法國總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)訪問法屬玻里尼西亞,重申法國在太平洋的存在。
此趟出訪目的在強調法國政府對法屬玻里尼西亞的支持,並撫平法國在這個前殖民地持續30年核試驗帶來的傷痕。馬克宏昨天並未道歉,但坦承法國1966至1996 年間進行核試驗,有愧於法屬玻里尼西亞這塊土地上的人民。
apologising, Macron says Paris owes 'debt' to French Polynesia over nuclear
tests France24 20210728
French President
Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday that Paris owed “a debt” to French Polynesia over nuclear
tests conducted in the South Pacific territory between 1966 and 1996, but stopped
short of apologising.
“I want truth and transparency,” Macron
said in a speech to Polynesian officials during his
first official trip to the territory, adding that there should be better compensation for victims of the tests.
“The nation owes a debt to French Polynesia.
This debt is from having conducted these tests, in particular those between 1966
and 1974.”
The legacy of French testing in the territory remains a source of deep resentment
and is seen as evidence of racist colonial attitudes
that disregarded the lives of locals.
The tests were conducted from 1966 to 1996 as France
developed nuclear weapons.
Officials denied any cover-up of radiation exposure
earlier this month after French investigative website Disclose reported in
March that the impact from the fallout was far more extensive than authorities had
acknowledged, citing declassified French military documents.
Macron echoed the sentiments in his remarks on Tuesday.
“I want to tell you clearly that the military who carried them out did not
lie to you. They took the same risks... There were no lies, there were risks that weren’t calculated, including by the
“I think it’s true that we would not have done the same tests in La Creuse
or in Brittany,” he said, referring to regions inside France.
Macron says
France owes 'a debt' to French Polynesia
Calls for apology
Ahead of Macron’s four-day visit, residents in the sprawling archipelago of
more than 100 islands located midway between Mexico and Australia were hoping that
Macron would apologise and announce compensation for radiation victims.
Only 63 Polynesian civilians have been compensated for
radiation exposure since the tests ended in 1996, Disclose
said, estimating that more than 100,000 people may have
been contaminated in total, with leukaemia, lymphoma and other cancers rife.
“We’re expecting an apology from the president,” Auguste Uebe-Carlson, head
of the 193 Association of victims of nuclear tests, said ahead of Macron’s visit.
“Just as he has recognised as a crime the colonisation
that took place in Algeria, we also expect him to declare that it was criminal
and that it is a form of colonisation linked to nuclear power here in the Pacific.”
Meeting Macron on Tuesday on the island of Moorea, Lena Lenormand, the vice
president of the association, renewed the call.
“There are urgent demands, people who are suffering. We’re asking you to own
what the state did to these Polynesian people, for an apology and real support,”
she told Macron.
“We can’t help but think that you are at the end of your term, so words are
one thing, but afterwards, what will be done concretely?”
she told Macron.
In response, Macron said he was “committed to changing things” regarding compensation.
“I’ve heard you, and I’ve heard what you are asking of me, and you will see
my response.”
In his speech, Macron said that since his election in 2017, there has been
progress in compensation claims, but he admitted that it was not enough and said
the deadline for filing claims would be extended.