

國防部新聞發言人吳謙就美國軍機降落台灣發表談話 中國國防部權威發佈 20210715


The U.S. military aircraft C-146 "Wolfhound" landed at Song-shan AFB, Taipei, on June 15th, triggered PLA’s fury.
Within the last 40 days, it is the second time the U.S. military aircraft, C-17A "Globemaster," landed at the identical AFB on June 6th. 
PLA is crazy, by saying something illogical.  It announced that any foreign military aircraft should obtain permission from Beijing before the landing on Taiwan.  The chaotic theory resembles that when it established an ADIZ in the East China Sea in November 2013.  PLA said then that all civil aircrafts flying through its ADIZ should apply and get permission from Chinese MOFA, or Civil Aviation Bureau, before the actual flight through.  Some neighboring countries followed the unilateral rules then, yet PLA did not insist as well.

The legitimate jurisdiction performs not only under the physical power but also under the shared legal system.  One should not unilaterally break the balance and infringe the legal rights of others just because one can do as such. 
China is such a nation that does not care about the international order and shared interests.

國防部新聞發言人吳謙就美國軍機降落台灣發表談話    中國國防部權威發佈 20210715





