

順從大眾無須勇氣,獨立頭腦需要不斷自我檢視 Self review of Journalist Bret L. Stephens


The writer Bret L. Stephens reviews himself by the paragraph “the long refusal by too many media gatekeepers (social as well as mainstream) to take the lab-leak theory seriously. The reasons for this — rank partisanship and credulous reporting — and the methods by which it was enforced — censorship and vilification — are reminders that sometimes the most destructive enemies of science can be those who claim to speak in its name.” 

It is happening in Taiwan too, where net users accept the information that they are used to hear and even attack comments that they are not used to, they will not move an inch even the evidence is solid.
To me, it is a very suffering thing that I do not know if my friends, who become friends of mine due to sharing similar viewpoints, habits, etc., will still be my friends, just because one single view between us is diverse.
I also notice that the word “science,” the term that the members of the CCP like most, is becoming more popular in the mouth of the Taiwanese authorities and the political figures.  I cannot figure out what the coincidence indicates; however, it needs us to pay attention to.
People easily point out to those who hold different viewpoints are the victims of so-called "cognitive warfare;" however, they reluctant to judge themselves with the same criterion if they have the same mindset.
That is a genuine alarm to democracy if people always think they are correct, while others are 100% wrong whatsoever.  There is no democracy if dialogue and debate vanish. 

作家 Bret L. Stephens 用「太多媒體守門人(社會和主流)長期拒絕認真對待實驗室洩漏理論的段落進行自我審查。造成這種情況的原因——黨派偏見和輕信報導——以及方法它的強制執行——審查和誹謗——提醒人們,有時科學最具破壞性的敵人可能是那些聲稱以科學的名義說話的人。」

新冠病毒「實驗室洩漏說」背後真正的醜聞    Bret L. Stephens@NYT 20210602



我指的是太多媒體守門人(既有社交網路也有主流媒體)長期拒絕認真對待實驗室洩漏理論。其原因——嚴重的黨派之爭和輕信的報導——以及它所施用的方法——審查和中傷——提醒我們,有時科學最具破壞性的敵人可能是那些聲稱以科學的名義說話的人I mean the long refusal by too many media gatekeepers (social as well as mainstream) to take the lab-leak theory seriously. The reasons for this — rank partisanship and credulous reporting — and the methods by which it was enforced — censorship and vilification — are reminders that sometimes the most destructive enemies of science can be those who claim to speak in its name.

讓我們回到去年2,參議員湯姆·科頓(Tom Cotton)等人開始指出一組令人不安的事實:一場大流行起源於一個中國城市,就在這個城市裡,一個實驗室正在對蝙蝠病毒進行尖端實驗,這是一個奇怪的巧合;一些最初的新冠病毒感染者並沒有接觸據信是疫情發源地的食品市場,這樣的報告令人不安;中國政府撒謊,妨礙了自己的危機應對,這是事實。不管你怎麼看這位阿肯色州共和黨人,這些都是合理的觀察結果,值得進行公正的調查

自由主義精英圈的普遍反應是什麼?《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)的一名記者稱其為「被專家反覆質疑」的「邊緣理論」。大西洋理事會(Atlantic Council)指責科頓「推動新冠病毒可能在武漢的一個實驗室製造的不實說法」,煽動一場「信息流行病」。Vox的一名作者說,這是一個"危險的陰謀論",是「以經常胡說八道(以及抨擊中國)」而聞名的保守派提出的。

這樣的例子還有很多。但媒體敘事的總體形態是清晰的。一方是世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)等機構的專家:博學、廉潔、權威、高貴。另一方則是一群右翼粗人,他們在推動一個帶有排外色彩的可笑幻想,目的是轉移人們對川普政府處理危機不當的注意力。


認為病毒可能是從武漢研究所逃逸的,是不是很令人震驚?如果你聽了演化生物學家布雷特·溫斯坦(Bret Weinstein)對「實驗室洩漏假說」耐心、清晰、極具科學性的解釋,你就不會這麼認為了——這是他近一年前在絕對非主流的喬·羅根(Joe Rogan)播客上發表的。

20202月,《柳葉刀》(The Lancet)上發表了一封由27名科學家簽名的,強烈堅持新冠病毒的「自然來源」,科學記者接受它的權威性是否明智?如果那些記者們探究了這封信的主要作者與武漢實驗室之間的關係,就不會這樣了。這種關係是科學作家尼古拉斯·韋德(Nicholas Wade)在《原子科學家公報》(Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists)上發表的一篇里程碑式的文章中指出的,這一事實幾個月來已經為公眾所知



但即使是現在,人們也能清楚地感覺到,有一群獨立的頭腦在努力工作。如果「實驗室洩漏」理論最終得到了應有的尊重關注,那主要是因為·拜登授權進行調查,而安東尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)承認對自然起源的說法存在懷疑。換句話說,正確的總統正確的公共衛生專家為一定的調查路線提供了支持。But even now one gets a distinct sense of the herd of independent minds hard at work.

然而,實驗室洩漏理論無論是否被證明為正確,卻從來是可信的。即使湯姆·科頓相信它。即使科學「共識」懷疑它。即使那些很少需要藉口的偏執狂們也會從中得出偏執的結論。Yet the lab-leak theory, whether or not it turns out to be right, was always credible. Even if Tom Cotton believed it. Even if the scientific “consensus” disputed it. Even if bigots — who rarely need a pretext — drew bigoted conclusions from it.

好的新聞報導就像好的科學一樣,應該遵循證據,而不是故事。它應該像重視卓越的權威一樣重視聰明的牛虻。它絕不應該把誠實的分歧視為道德異端And it should never treat honest disagreement as moral heresy.

如果有人想知道,為什麼那麼多人對公共衛生官員和科學記者的聲明如此敵視,應該從這個故事中得出適當的結論。在向公眾宣講錯誤信息的危害時,最好不要自己去兜售它Anyone wondering why so many people have become so hostile to the pronouncements of public-health officials and science journalists should draw the appropriate conclusion from this story. When lecturing the public about the dangers of misinformation, it’s best not to peddle it yourself.



