

Crossing over the line of autonomous

Japan provides Taiwan 1.2 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccines for the Covid-19. 

Although there were rumors in a couple of days that it will realize before the end of June; however, NHK’s report surprises most hopeless Taiwanese people.

Japan keeps the information so secretly that even the officers of the Taiwan government are not aware of the announcement. Frank Hsieh, Taiwan’s Ambassador to Japan, posted some related cold chain issues yesterday. The MoFA is also speechless, saying that no further comment provides. The President and the Prime Minister, who is supposed to say something in time, have no comment, too. Even Yaita Akio, a notable journalist of the Sankei Shimbun, does not know the news and still guesses the date is around June 18th.

The situations indicate a crucial truth: it detours the Taiwan government from the whole process. The question is critical: which party dominates the operation?

Let me remind the farewell speech of AIT Taipei Director W. Brent Christensen on May 25th. In responding to a journalist's question, Ambassador Christensen said that the infection numbers and the victims of Taiwanese people are low, comparing to the neighboring countries. That is unnecessary and improper language an ambassador can give. No reasonable explanation could be understood, except that Christensen was tired of negotiating the dark side of the vaccines for Taiwan.

Autonomy does not mean that the governor and the officers could do whatever they like, as long as the issue domestic. No, it is not a thing like that. The autonomy has its limit: not to sabotage the interest of the administrating authority, the U.S., and to enhance the friendship between the two.

The result of no vaccines that Taiwan authorities are dealing with has failed and is becoming a disaster.

It will impair the friendship and the trust of Taiwanese people over the U.S. What is more, it will unchain the first island chain. The most likely scenario is that Taiwan's IC industries can not ship a chip because the operators to be infected.

The vaccine shortage is quite similar to the devastating Moraku Typhoon of 2009, in which former President Ma asked the relief from the PLA, and resisted help from the U.S.

Taiwanese people will alienate from the U.S. if the situation of no vaccines continues.

1 則留言:

  1. by 竹露

    隔洋時差一覺醒來, 後面接著正要提"莫拉克風災馬氏引紅援之亂"的歷史事件, 沒想到雲大這邊早早已意會到, 思維反應速度之快, 不愧是雲大!

    (不好意思, 我是比較欣賞向來俱有大戰略思維風格的那個"雲大", 或許我比較不習慣偶而會"走鐘"鑽到民粹詭辯爭贏的另一個"雲大", 雲大究竟有幾個"風格分身"? 真真假假之中,我也搞不太清楚, 或許是這樣子可以讓這Blog比較精彩熱鬧些也說不定。 Anyway, 請別介意我的胡亂直言批評, 我只是個毫不起眼的微小人物而已, 別把我的勞騷胡謅當回事, 如有冒犯之處, 還請海涵。)

    言歸正傳, 請大家沈住氣 耐心等著看, 更精彩的好戲還在後頭, 現在才剛開始而已, 前面一切種種只是眾人跟著"瞎起哄"的暖場,

    (但看來目前觀衆群中能迅速看懂個中戲碼的人的確是不多, 或許二十年後再回頭看已成歷史的今日這場鬧哄哄的戲碼, 不知將會是何種評論心境/眼光....)

