

聯合國數據中心落腳杭州專家:民主國家定會抵制 VOA 20201016




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成為世界最強「監控國」?聯合國大數據中心將落腳中國杭州    自由 20201016






聯合國數據中心落腳杭州專家:民主國家定會抵制    VOA 20201016


“當美國試圖限制數據流向北京之時,位於紐約的聯合國秘書處正與北京合作,要在中國建立一個全球聯合數據中心,”哈德遜研究所研究員克勞蒂婭·羅塞特(Claudia Rosett )在《華爾街日報》撰文。該計劃包括建立一個處理聯合國成員國數據的研究中心,和一個利用衛星監視技術彰顯中國實力的地理空間中心。


羅塞特是女性獨立論壇的外交政策研究員、《華爾街日報》前記者。她曾於1989年在北京報導天安門事件,也是聯合國腐敗的批評者,著有《聯合國怎麼辦》(What to Do about the UN ),批評聯合國在完成其使命方面極為失敗並很危險。




這一計劃始於2019。當年6月,中國國家統計局局長寧吉喆和聯合國負責經社事務的副秘書長劉振民在上海會晤,簽署了“聯合國—國家統計局大數據研究所” 諒解備忘錄。

聯合國經濟和社會事務部是紐約聯合國秘書處主管經濟和社會發展的部門。2007年以來,這個部門一直由來自中共派出的官員領導。現任該部負責人是中國前外交部副部長劉振民。該部門網站的中文介紹說,聯合國“經(濟)社會部的影響力已遠遠超出聯合國的大門”,其工作主要是,“制定規範”、“數據和分析” 、“能力建設”三大類。

聯合國解釋了什麼是“地理空間信息”(Geospatial Information): “每件事都發生在某個地方,但是我們要如何去了解哪裡正在發生什麼事?什麼時候發生的?發生的理由又是什麼?這一切的答案就在地理空間信息。”









杭州是中國科技巨頭阿里巴巴集團所在地,該集團聯合創始人兼前執行董事長馬雲與梅琳達·蓋茨(Melinda Gates)共同主持了聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)組織的2018年聯合國“數字合作”高級別小組會議。














皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)106日發布的調查結果顯示,全球14個發達民主國家絕大多數對中國的負面看法升至10年來新高。他們是澳大利亞(81%)、英國(74%)、德國(71%)、荷蘭(73%)、瑞典(85%)、美國(73%)、韓國(75%)、西班牙(63%)、法國(70%)、加拿大(73%)、意大利(62%)、日本(86%),以及比利時和丹麥。





Concluding Remarks
Tenth Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM)

4 September 2020, New York

Dear Co-Chairs of the Committee of Experts,
Distinguished Delegates and Observers,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an honour to join you on this third day of the informal session of the Committee on Global Geospatial Information Management – better known under its acronym UN-GGIM. As some of you may know, this body was the first United Nations body that I addressed when I assumed my responsibility as United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs three years ago.  Ever since, I have held a deep respect for this professional community.  So, I am very grateful that over 400 of you will be connected over the course of the three days, and I extend a warm welcome to all of you.

I also extend my appreciation and congratulate you for the productive way in which you have prepared for and conducted your substantive business for these meetings.  When I look at your programme, I am impressed by the tools you have developed over the past year, working hard as a community across the globe:

First, there is the “Implementation Guide of the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework”.  This will provide guidance for Member States to strengthen their national geospatial information management arrangements.  It will also support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in developing countries.

Second, in your report on the ‘Future Trends in Geospatial Information Management’, you have articulated a bold, forward looking vision.  You have identified emerging trends that can be harnessed by all Member States to increase the use of geospatial information for social, technological, and economic growth.
Distinguished delegates,

I am particularly pleased to learn that our efforts at the United Nations to establish – with the strong and generous support of the Government of China – a Global Geospatial Knowledge and Innovation Centre in Deqing, China, which are going through the final administrative approvals.  I am convinced this Center will provide welcome opportunities to build and expand global geospatial capacity, competence and capability.

Also, I note that you have welcomed the offer from the Federal Republic of Germany to establish and host a Global Geodetic Centre of Excellence at the United Nations Campus in Bonn, Germany.  In line with the General Assembly resolution on a global geodetic reference frame, this Centre of Excellence will enhance global cooperation and coordination across Member States in this important technical field.

Distinguished delegates,

While these are only a few of the highlights for this tenth session, they clearly show how much this Committee has progressed over the past ten years of its existence, including its rightful place in the ECOSOC architecture.  I commend in particular the many interlinkages you have made to create a global geospatial community, across countries, technical fields, and across all relevant stakeholders.  I am also grateful for your outreach and close cooperation with other data communities, such as the official statisticians.  This will enhance the power of integrated data for policy decision making.  All this provides a strong foundation for you to report back to the Economic and Social Council in 2021.

Still, there are always new challenges that will arise.

The COVID-19 pandemic has set us back in reaching critical goals. Bold, critical and urgent action is needed at all levels of society to reduce child mortality, mitigate climate change, eliminate extreme poverty and achieve the ambitious targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  The pandemic has not only exacerbated our world’s vulnerabilities within and among countries, it has reinforced pre-existing obstacles – including structural inequalities and socio-economic gaps – to realizing the SDGs.  The lack of timely, fundamental data and enabling technologies to measure and monitor what is happening where, when, and how, is a permanent challenge for your communities.  And at the same time, it is a unique opportunity.

I am encouraged to see that the global geospatial information community, through this Committee of Experts, has demonstrated its readiness to respond to the challenge of COVID-19 through a dedicated paper and country case studies. In this regard, the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework has provided an anchor for the national response for countries. Indeed, a first step for many to develop dashboards to communicate and visualise the spread of COVID-19.

Distinguished Delegates and Observers,

In closing, I recognize and thank the co-Chairs of your Committee, all the Chairpersons and leaders of the regional committees, subcommittee, expert groups, working groups, networks, the authors of technical reports and the Rapporteur.  I commend your strong and productive sense of global cooperation and coordination, particularly in these challenging times of the global pandemic

I thank you, and wish you all the best with the completion of your session.




