

九段線:蔡英文的 vs. 北京的


Besides historical claims, the Chinese MOFA said that the Chinese government formally announced the dashed lines of the South China Sea.  The statement implies:

1.  The announcement was made by the Republic of China, not the People’s Republic of China;

2.  The announcement was made after the announcement of the ROC Constitution of 1947, meaning the South China Sea was not recognized as Chinese territory when the constitution drafted;

3.  The PRC loses all its “legal assertion” over the South China Sea, once the ROC renounces the claim of the “Nine-Dashed


The statements of ROC MOFA “The South China Sea Islands are part of the territory of the Republic of China.” and “That the ROC is entitled to all rights over the South China Sea Islands and their relevant waters in accordance with international law and the law of the sea is beyond dispute.” are contradictious.  The UNCLOS has its detailed principles, not accepting any of the claims of historical sovereignty.


1.  顯然是在中華人民共和國政府建立之前的中華民國政府公佈。

2.  也代表是1947年中華民國憲法公布後的事情,九段線,並非中華民國憲法制訂時的範圍。

3.  假使中華民國放棄九段線,北京的主張頓失依據。




有關我國對南海諸島主權立場事,外交部說明如下:    外交部 20200714

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of China (Taiwan) states the following position related to ROC sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

July 14, 2020

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) states the following position related to ROC sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands:



1. The South China Sea Islands are part of the territory of the Republic of China.  That the ROC is entitled to all rights over the South China Sea Islands and their relevant waters in accordance with international law and the law of the sea is beyond dispute.  On July 19, 2016, President Tsai Ing-wen outlined four principles and five actions to deal with South China Sea issues together with the international community.

MOFA hereby reiterates the aforementioned four principles:


() 南海爭端應依據國際法及海洋法,包括聯合國海洋法公約,以和平方式解決;

1.1. Disputes in the South China Sea should be settled peacefully in accordance with international law and the law of the sea, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS);


() 臺灣應納入多邊爭端解決機制;

1.2. The ROC should be included in multilateral mechanisms aimed at resolving disputes;


() 相關國家有義務維護南海航行和飛越自由;

1.3. States concerned have an obligation to uphold the freedom of navigation and of overflight in the region; and


() 中華民國主張應以「擱置爭議、共同開發」方式處理南海爭端,且願在平等協商基礎上,和相關國家共同促進南海區域之和平與穩定,並共同保護及開發南海資源。

1.4. Disputes should be resolved by setting aside differences and promoting joint development.  Through negotiations conducted on the basis of equality, the ROC is willing to work with other States concerned to advance peace and stability, as well as protect and develop resources in the region.



2. The government's position concerning the sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands and its commitment to peaceful settlement of disputes remain unwavering.  We firmly oppose any attempt by a claimant state to resolve dispute in the South China Sea by means of intimidation, coercion, or force.



3. MOFA welcomes statements issued by relevant states adherent to that claims over the South China Sea should be in conformity with the international law and norms—including the 1982 UNCLOS—and emphasizing that any claim inconsistent with international law should not be accepted.  MOFA also encourages States concerned to include Taiwan in multilateral mechanisms aimed at resolving disputes, jointly safeguarding peace and stability in the region.




















1 則留言:

  1. 〉〉〉2. 也代表是1947年中華民國憲法公布後的事情,九段線,並非中華民國憲法制訂時的範圍。〈〈〈

    去查過中華民國憲法,並未明示,倒是出現在另一份 “中華民國**” 的文件;無法再找到。


