

川普施壓!FRTIB宣布「無限期」暫緩投資中企 鉅亨網 20200514

The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) manages over $500 billion in federal employees' and armed service members’ retirement funds. 

In a precise sense, the so-called “backtracks on investing in Chinese-linked index fund indefinitely” is based on FRTIB’s decision in 2017, in which it is going to shift the holdings per MSCI’s All Country World Ex-US Investable Market Index.

And many of the Chinese big companies support China’s military and surveillance operations.  They are state-owned companies under the direct control of the CCP.

It is a national security issue using the U.S. fund to subsidies the enemy companies of the former.

美國聯邦退休儲蓄投資委員會 (FRTIB)監管聯邦公務員與軍人之退休基金,規模達到5000億美元。

川普施壓!FRTIB宣布「無限期」暫緩投資中企    鉅亨網 20200514
在美國總統川普施壓後,美國聯邦退休儲蓄投資委員會 (FRTIB) 週三 (13 ) 發表聲明,將「無限期」推遲投資中國企業資產。

週二 (12 ) 才傳出美國總統川普指示聯邦養老基金取消投資中國股票,週三 (13 )  聯邦退休儲蓄投資委員會 (FRTIB) 就發表正式聲明,將無限期推遲投資中國企業資產。

主管「節儉儲蓄計劃」 (TSP) 的聯邦退休儲蓄投資委員會 (FRTIB) 週三發表聲明說,由於新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 導致經濟環境轉變,以及委員會內將有新成員提名,促使該組織作出決定,無限期推遲投資部分中國企業資產


TSP 2017 年原本計畫調整大約 500 美元的國際投資資金,投資中國在內的新興市場,以便 MSCI AC 世界指數的投資權重保持一致

這筆資金本應在 2020 年年中之前轉移,但接連遭到美國議員、白宮首席經濟顧問、美國國安顧問,以及川普的反對。

白宮首席經濟顧問庫德洛與國安顧問歐布萊恩 (Robert O'Brien) 先前致函美國勞工部長史卡里亞,認為將美國公務員退休儲蓄基金「節儉儲蓄計劃」 (TSP) 投資中國大陸股票基金是危險且不合理的


FRTIB backtracks on investing in Chinese-linked index fund    FCW 20200513
In response to a White House directive, the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board said it would defer a planned decision to shift its international funds to an index that contained firms with links to the Chinese government.

“Due to a meaningfully different economic environment related in large part to the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the nomination of three new FRTIB Board Members, pending further study, the FRTIB Board is delaying the implementation of the I Fund Benchmark change to the MSCI ACWI ex-U.S. Investible Market index from the MSCI EAFE index,” the FRTIB said in a statement to reporters on May 13.

The announcement came after two White House officials wrote to the Secretary of Labor on May 11 asking him to immediately stop the FRTIB from investing in the MSCI All Country World Ex-US Investable Market Index.

National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow and National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien opposed the shift, citing economic and national security concerns that the index contained firms that supported China’s military and surveillance operations.

They also noted that the ongoing COVID-19 virus had originated in the Wuhan province.

The FRTIB oversees the Thrift Savings Plan, which manages over $500 billion in federal employees' and armed service members’ retirement funds.

In November, the FRTIB reaffirmed a 2017 decision to invest its I-Fund in the new market index, drawing condemnation from both Democratic and Republican senators.

On May 6, President Donald Trump nominated three people to the board to replace current FRTIB Chairman Michael Kennedy and two other members whom former President Barack Obama had appointed to serve on the board.


