


人家是說「人性(人道)的終結」(the significance could be the end of humanity.)!

This is exact the application of the term “the principle of the tenth” in the movie “World War Z.”
If the reinjection is real, then no one can be trusted.  And that is the end of our humanity, which asks us to save others as could as possible.

If it reinfects, virus could ‘end humanity,’ Netanyahu reportedly warned MKs    The Times Of Israel 20200508
TV report says Israeli PM set out nightmare scenarios to politicians from his Likud party at the height of the COVID-19 crisis

At the height of Israel’s battle against COVID-19 last month, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned several Knesset members from his Likud party that if reports from overseas of patients who had recovered from the virus again testing positive for it were accurate, humanity could be wiped out, a TV report claimed on Friday night.

“There are reports from overseas about reinfection,” Channel 12 news said the unnamed Likud MKs recalled Netanyahu saying.  “If this is true,” the prime minister reportedly went on, “the significance could be the end of humanity.

Others with whom the prime minister spoke to, the TV report said, do not remember him using that precise phrase, but say he warned that the pandemic could lead to “scenarios of global anarchy.”

The extraordinary quotes were part of a report on the warnings reportedly delivered by Netanyahu and Israel’s Health Ministry Director-General Moshe Bar Siman-Tov to cabinet ministers and others handling the crisis in recent weeks.  Imposing stringent lockdown policies since March, Israel has kept its death toll down to 245, and 11,000 of its 16,400 cases have recovered. In the last few days, it has been gradually easing many restrictions.

Netanyahu also expressed concern about reinfection on at least two occasions in public forums.

On April 13, in a speech to the nation, he said: “I would like to share with you one detail that the government of South Korea recently published: It said that 91 people who recovered from the coronavirus were diagnosed again as sick.  We are checking this.  If it is correct, the reality is far more complex than we formerly believed because it would seem that immunity to the virus is not automatic immunity.  It could be that the virus can reawaken and cause infection in wide circles.

And in a video conference hosted by Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz on April 24, Netanyahu said: “The most important questions I have is ‘do we have instances of reinfection?’”

Netanyahu has won widespread public support for his handling of the crisis, according to recent opinion polls, although there has been heavy criticism of government failures to expedite grants and loans to help the battered economy.  Simultaneously, he has also negotiated a unity government with his rival Benny Gantz, after coming close to losing power in three deadlocked elections, and is set to swear in his new government on May 13 and remain prime minister for at least the next 18 months.

According to the Friday TV report, Bar Siman-Tov warned early in the crisis, in mid-March, that Israel could find itself in the same dire situation as Italy and Spain, and was still warning on April 6, when the rate of infection was plainly slowing, that Israel could lose control of the pandemic

For his part, Netanyahu told ministers in a series of Zoom meetings in late March that Israel could have 1 million patients and 10,000 fatalities by the end of April, with hospitals overwhelmed.

Both Netanyahu and Bar Siman-Tov made similar predictions publicly.

Warning of the imperative to “save the lives of tens of thousands” of Israelis from the coronavirus, Netanyahu on March 12 described the pandemic as “a global and national incident the likes of which Israel has never known.”  The last threat to which the coronavirus could be likened, he said, was the Spanish flu, “which raged worldwide” in 1918.  “Tens of millions of people died from it,” he noted, “at a time when the world population was a quarter of today’s.”

And on March 22, he said the pandemic could turn out to be the worst threat to humanity since the Middle Ages; even the scientists, he asserted, were praying to the Creator for inspiration and salvation.

Accused in recent days of sowing panic and pushing the economy unnecessarily toward meltdown, he insisted on Monday: “We weren’t scaring people; we’ve been saving people… Israel’s achievements are a model for many other countries.

Had Israel not taken the steps he ordered, he and Bar Siman-Tov have also said that their bleak predictions would have been borne out.

Announcing wide easing of regulations on Monday, Netanyahu noted that Israel’s death toll was extremely low by comparison to other OECD states.  Channel 12 noted, however, that many nearby countries have fared even better, suggesting the region had generally escaped the worst of the virus.

The death tolls in Syria (3), Jordan (9), Lebanon (26), Egypt (482), Cyprus (19) and Greece (148), the report said, indicated that Israel’s impressive performance was not exceptional for the region. It is by no means clear, however, that all of those nations match Israel’s capacity to accurately track and record deaths caused by COVID-19.

新冠病毒「反覆感染」逐漸變多 以色列總理示警:再一次可能終結全人類!    ETtoday 20200511
隨著新冠肺炎在全球疫情嚴重,且尚未出現有效對應的解藥疫苗,不少人漸漸出現悲觀的想法。以色列總理納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu )日前就曾跟官員私下透露,「若新冠肺炎出現大量二次感染的狀態,很有可能會『終結人類』」,言語中表現出極大的不安與擔憂

根據《The Times Of Israel》報導,以色列進入新冠肺炎的高峰期,總理納坦雅胡3月起就宣布進入封鎖狀態,上萬確診者中也陸續傳出復原消息,因此5月份開始逐漸開始寬鬆部分限制。然而納坦雅胡並未對於防疫鬆懈,多次在公開場合呼籲民眾需要持續維持良好的衛生狀態,並且表示政府持續關注全球疫情。



國際「復陽」病例多 以色列總理憂再爆發恐終結人類    自由 20200511
武漢肺炎(新型冠狀病毒疾病,COVID-19)疫情全球爆發,確診人數即將突破410萬大關,目前尚未研發出特效藥、疫苗,且病毒潛伏期長、變異速度快,國際間不斷傳出「復陽」病例,雖目前的研究判定復陽患者傳染他人的機率低,但以色列總理納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)仍悲觀表示,「若新冠肺炎出現大量二次感染的狀態,很有可能會『終結人類』」。



5 則留言:

  1. "... the end of humanity..." hoan chòe『終結人類』ā-sī "人類末日" sī chèng-khak ê!
    ("... the end of humanity..." 翻做『終結人類』ā-sī "人類末日"是 正確的!)
    "Humanity" tī-leh Eng-bûn lāi-té iáu ū chı̍t-ê "jîn-lūi choân-thé" ê ì-sù.
    ("Humanity" 佇咧英文內底iáu有一个 "人類全體" 的意思.)

    1. 的確,humanity這字眼有人性(精神面)或人類(肉體面)兩種解釋。


      “the significance could be the end of humanity.”(意義為humanity的終結)
      “scenarios of global anarchy.”(全球無政府/失序場景)


      意思是:global anarchy,才是原意。



  2. 方舟可以開始建了......
    你們能保住多少人 看你們的能力了
    日本、印尼、美國......等等 = =

  3. 翻成人類固然有些問題,翻成人道或人性一樣非常奇怪。勉強地翻,好像還是翻成人類終結比較好一點。
    照劍橋辭典的解釋,humanity有all people in the world as a whole, or the qualities characteristic of people的意思,在這裡,the end of humanity的humanity應該是這個意思。綜合其意,我覺得翻成「人類末日」可能是比較符合其意,翻成「終結人類」也不算錯,只是容易有所誤解。

    1. 這裡出現一種主觀語意認知的狀況。
      所以,很難接受the end of humanity是這個。

      但也很高興夏途島大在最後以「生不如死」來註解,指陳the end of humanity並非「物種滅絕」之意(因為還是「生」,不是滅絕)。



