

剛禁旋解禁:LEAP 1C給中國

中國大飛機C919的心臟:LEAP航空發動機探秘- 壹讀【縛雞之見】
二月中禁止銷售LEAP 1C給中國的窄體客機Comac C919,四月便解禁,有效期持續4年。
不只是飛機而已,LEAP 1C還可以運用在發電廠上。

US reapproves licence for Leap engine sales to China
The US government has reapproved GE Aviation’s application to supply engines for Comac’s C919 narrowbody programme, months after it mulled blocking engine sales.

The enginemaker states the licence to supply CFM International Leap-1C engines will last for a term of four years.  It did not indicate when the application was approved.

“We are pleased that the [US] administration has come to this decision, and look to continue to serve our customers in China and beyond,” the company adds.

CFM is a joint venture between GE and France’s Safran.  In mid-February, media reports emerged that the US government was considering blocking the sale of the Leap-1C engine to China, with additional export limits on other systems, such as Honeywell flight-control systems.

However, US president Donald Trump waded into the debate a day later, tweeting that he wanted “China to buy our jet engines, the best in the world”.  He also blasted proposals that would make it difficult to sell engines and other components into the Chinese market.

Apart from powering the C919, other variants of the Leap are also an option for the Airbus A320neo, and the exclusive powerplant for the grounded Boeing 737 Max.

GE has obtained export licences from the US government for the Leap-1C engines since 2014, having most recently received one in March 2019.

Comac has six C919 test aircraft flying, all fitted with the Leap-1C.  It has more than 300 Leap-powered aircraft in its order book.  Comac is looking at a 2021-2022 date for the C919’s service entry.

Other than CFM engines, the C919 will also be fitted with Chinese-made powerplants.

Progress on the developmental CJ-1000AX high-bypass turbofan, manufactured by AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine, is still unclear.  It was reported in 2018 that the CJ-1000AX demonstrator engine achieved power-on.  Chinese media reports indicate the CJ-1000AX is looking to enter service in 2021.

川普當局不只打壓中國電信設備大廠華為,據傳也有意阻斷中國的航太科技發展。消息人士透露,美國政府考慮禁止美商奇異(General ElectricGE)旗下的合資企業,出口飛機引擎給中國研發中的新客機。

華爾街日報報導,消息人士表示,美國可能不會發放執照,讓 GE 和法國 Safran SA 的合資企業 CFM International,出口更多 LEAP 1C 飛機引擎至中國。該引擎用於中國商飛(COMAC)正在研發的「中國商飛 C919」客機,這款客機的上市日期已經延宕數年。

川普當局憂慮,中國會對 CFM 引擎進行「逆向工程」(reverse engineering),讓中國業者能跨入國際客機引擎市場,損害美國的商業利益。據傳美方拒發執照,是要削弱中國航飛的發展。波音(Boeing)、空巴(Boeing)的窄體客機稱霸國際,中方希望中國航飛的產品,能和國際對手競爭。C919 客機全數使用 LEAP 1C 引擎,一旦 LEAP 1C 供給中斷,客機生產可能會無限期延後。


據了解,GE 反對政府停發執照,強調要模仿生產引擎的先進製造技術,比川普當局所想的更為困難。而且 CFM 引擎已在中國使用多年,中國業者可能早已進行逆向工程。據悉美國政府 20 日將討論此事,官員並考慮限制 GE 輸出航太電子系統給 C919


