



Senator Hawley Announces Bill to Hold Chinese Communist Party Responsible for COVID-19 Pandemic    Josh Hawley 20200414
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Today, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) announced the Justice for Victims of COVID-19 Act to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) responsible for causing the COVID-19 global pandemic.
今天,美國參議員Josh Hawley宣布《COVID-19受害者正義法案》,要求中國共產黨(CCP)負起導致COVID-19全球大流行的責任。

The bill would strip China of its sovereign immunity and create a private right of action against the CCP for reckless actions like silencing whistleblowers and withholding critical information about COVID-19.  The plan would also create the Justice for Victims of COVID-19 Task Force at the State Department to lead an international investigation into Beijing’s handling of the COVID-19 outbreak and to secure compensation from the Chinese government.

"There is overwhelming evidence that the Chinese Communist Party’s lies, deceit, and incompetence caused COVID-19 to transform from a local disease outbreak into a global pandemic.  We need an international investigation to learn the full extent of the damage the CCP has inflicted on the world and then we need to empower Americans and other victims around the world to recover damages.  The CCP unleashed this pandemic. They must be held accountable to their victims."

Senator Josh Hawley

Senator Hawley was the first member of Congress to call for an investigation into the CCP’s cover-up of the COVID-19 pandemic and recently joined Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in introducing the Li Wenliang Global Public Health Accountability Act to authorize sanctions on foreign officials who suppress or distort information about international public health crises.

The Justice for Victims of COVID-19 Act will:

  • Make the Chinese government liable for civil claims in U.S. courts by:以下列方式使中國政府對美國法院的民事索賠承擔責任:
    • Creating a private right of action against the Chinese government for any reckless action it took that caused the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, such as its decisions to withhold information and to gag doctors; 針對所採取的任何魯莽行為在中國造成了COVID-19大流行,例如針對中國政府的隱瞞信息和箝制醫生,制訂對中國政府的私法訴權。
    • Stripping the Chinese government of sovereign immunity for these actions so that plaintiffs can sue; and剝奪中國政府對這些行動的主權豁免權,以便原告可以起訴;和
    • Allowing courts to freeze Chinese government assets so victims can enforce their claims; 允許法院凍結中國政府的資產,以便受害者可以執行其訴求;

  • Establish the Justice for Victims of COVID-19 Task Force at the State Department to:在國務院建立COVID-19工作組的受害者司法任務小組,以便:
    • Lead an international investigation to determine how Beijing’s decisions to distort and conceal information about the COVID-19 outbreak—including by using the World Health Organization to parrot its lies—caused this global pandemic; and 領導一項國際調查,以確定北京決定歪曲和隱瞞有關COVID-19疫情的資訊,包括利用世界衛生組織(WHO)掩蓋其謊言,如何導致這種全球性流行病;和
    • Lead an international effort to secure compensation from the Chinese government, including by preparing options to compel Beijing to provide restitution, if at first it resists international demands for the same. 領導一項國際努力,以爭取中國政府的賠償,包括準備方案迫使北京提供賠償,前提是它在最初的時候抵制了國際要求。


