

〈緊急情況規例條例〉 香港立法會 1922年立法/歷年修訂 2018

〈緊急情況規例條例〉    香港立法會 1922年立法/歷年修訂 2018
To confer on the Chief Executive in Council power to make regulations on occasions of emergency or public danger.
(Amended 71 of 1999 s. 3)
[28 February 1922]
(Format changes—E.R. 5 of 2018)

1.  簡稱  Short title
This Ordinance may be cited as the Emergency Regulations Ordinance

2.  訂立規例的權力  Power to make regulations
(1)  行政長官會同行政會議認為屬緊急情況或危害公安的情況時,行政長官會同行政會議可訂立任何他認為合乎公眾利益的規例
(1)  On any occasion which the Chief Executive in Council may consider to be an occasion of emergency or public danger he may make any regulations whatsoever which he may consider desirable in the public interest.

(2)  在不損害第(1)款條文的一般性的原則下,該等規例可就下列事項作出規定 —— (1924年第5號第9條修訂;由1949年第8號第2條修訂)
(2)  Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of subsection (1), such regulations may provide for— 
(Amended 5 of 1924 s. 9; 8 of 1949 s. 2)
(a)  對刊物、文字、地圖、圖則、照片、通訊及通訊方法的檢查、管制及壓制
(a)censorship, and the control and suppression of publications, writings, maps, plans, photographs, communications and means of communication;
(b)  逮捕、羈留、驅逐及遞解離境;
(b)arrest, detention, exclusion and deportation;
(c)  對香港的海港、港口及香港水域和對船隻移動的管制
(c)control of the harbours, ports and waters of Hong Kong, and the movements of vessels;
(d)  陸路、航空或水上運輸,以及對運送人及東西的管制;
(d)transportation by land, air or water, and the control of the transport of persons and things;
(e)  貿易、出口、進口、生產及製造;
(e)trading, exportation, importation, production and manufacture;
(f)  對財產及其使用作出的撥配、管制、沒收及處置
(f)appropriation, control, forfeiture and disposition of property, and of the use thereof;
(g)  修訂任何成文法則,暫停實施任何成文法則,以及應用任何不論是否經修改的成文法則;  (1949年第8號第2條代替)
(g)amending any enactment, suspending the operation of any enactment and applying any enactment with or without modification;
(Replaced 8 of 1949 s. 2)
(h)  授權進入與搜查處所  (1949年第8號第2條代替)
(h)authorizing the entry and search of premises;
(Replaced 8 of 1949 s. 2)
(i)  賦權該等規例指明的主管當局或人士訂立命令及規則,並賦權他們為施行該等規例而製備或發出通知書、牌照、許可證、證明書或其他文件;  (1949年第8號第2條代替)
(i)empowering such authorities or persons as may be specified in the regulations to make orders and rules and to make or issue notices, licences, permits, certificates or other documents for the purposes of the regulations; (Replaced 8 of 1949 s. 2)

(j)  就為施行該等規例而批給或發出任何牌照、許可證、證明書或其他文件,收取該等規例訂明的費用;  (1949年第8號第2條增補)
(j)charging, in respect of the grant or issue of any licence, permit, certificate or other document for the purposes of the regulations, such fees as may be prescribed by the regulations; (Added 8 of 1949 s. 2. Amended E.R. 5 of 2018)
(k)  代表行政長官取得任何財產或業務的管有或控制  (1949年第8號第2條增補)
(k)the taking of possession or control on behalf of the Chief Executive of any property or undertaking; (Added 8 of 1949 s. 2)
(l)  規定某些人進行工作或提供服務;  (1949年第8號第2條增補)
(l)requiring persons to do work or render services; (Added 8 of 1949 s. 2)
(m)  向受該等規例影響的人支付補償及報酬,以及就上述補償作出決定;及  (1949年第8號第2條增補)
(m)payment of compensation and remuneration to persons affected by the regulations and the determination of such compensation; and (Added 8 of 1949 s. 2)
(n)  對違反該等規例或任何在香港施行的法律的人的拘捕、審訊及懲罰,  (1949年第8號第2條增補。由1949年第40號第2條修訂)並可載有行政長官覺得為施行該等規例而屬必需或合宜的附帶條文及補充條文。  (1949年第8號第2條增補)
(n)the apprehension, trial and punishment of persons offending against the regulations or against any law in force in Hong Kong, (Added 8 of 1949 s. 2. Amended 40 of 1949 s. 2; E.R. 5 of 2018)
and may contain such incidental and supplementary provisions as appear to the Chief Executive to be necessary or expedient for the purposes of the regulations.
(Added 8 of 1949 s. 2)

(3)  根據本條條文訂立的任何規例,須持續有效至行政長官會同行政會議藉命令廢除為止。
(3)  Any regulations made under the provisions of this section shall continue in force until repealed by order of the Chief Executive in Council.

(4)  任何規例或依據該規例訂立的命令或規則,即使與任何成文法則中所載者有抵觸,仍具效力;而任何成文法則中任何條文如與任何規例或任何上述命令或規則有抵觸,則不論該條文是否在其實施過程中已根據第(2)款予以修訂、暫停或修改,只要上述規例、命令或規則仍屬有效,上述有抵觸之處並無效力。  (1949年第8號第2條增補)
(4)  A regulation or any order or rule made in pursuance of such a regulation shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any enactment; and any provision of an enactment which may be inconsistent with any regulation or any such order or rule shall, whether that provision shall or shall not have been amended, suspended or modified in its operation under subsection (2), to the extent of such inconsistency have no effect so long as such regulation, order or rule shall remain in force. (Added 8 of 1949 s. 2)

(5)  每份看來是由行政長官或其他主管當局或人士依據本條例或依據任何根據本條例訂立的規例製備或發出的文書的文件,且該份文件看來是由行政長官或上述其他主管當局或人士或代表行政長官或上述其他主管當局或人士簽署,均須獲收取為證據,並在相反證明成立之前,須當作是由行政長官或該主管當局或人士製備或發出的文書  (1949年第8號第2條增補)(199971號第3條修訂)
(5)  Every document purporting to be an instrument made or issued by the Chief Executive or other authority or person in pursuance of this Ordinance or of any regulation made hereunder and to be signed by or on behalf of the Chief Executive or such other authority or person, shall be received in evidence, and shall, until the contrary is proved, be deemed to be an instrument made or issued by the Chief Executive or that authority or person. (Added 8 of 1949 s. 2)(Amended 71 of 1999 s. 3)

3.  罰則.  Penalties
(1)  在不損害第2條所授予的權力的原則下,根據本條例訂立的規例可就任何罪行(不論該罪行屬違反該等規例的罪行或屬任何適用於香港的法律所訂的罪行)規定以任何刑罰及制裁(包括強制性終身監禁的最高刑罰,但不包括死刑)作為該罪行的懲罰,並可載有關於沒收、處置與保留在任何方面與上述罪行有關的物品的條文,以及關於撤銷或取消根據該等規例或任何其他成文法則發出的牌照、許可證、通行證或權限文件的條文,而該等刑罰、制裁及條文是行政長官會同行政會議覺得為確保任何規例或法律的強制執行而屬必需或合宜的,或在其他方面符合公眾利益的。  (1993年第24號第24條修訂;由199971號第3條修訂)
(1)  Without prejudice to the powers conferred by section 2, regulations made hereunder may provide for the punishment of any offence (whether such offence is a contravention of the regulations or an offence under any law applicable to Hong Kong) with such penalties and sanctions (including a maximum penalty of mandatory life imprisonment but excluding the penalty of death), and may contain such provisions in relation to forfeiture, disposal and retention of any article connected in any way with such offence and as to revocation or cancellation of any licence, permit, pass or authority issued under the regulations or under any other enactment as to the Chief Executive in Council may appear to be necessary or expedient to secure the enforcement of any regulation or law or to be otherwise in the public interest. (Amended 24 of 1993 s. 24; 71 of 1999 s. 3)

(2)  任何人如違反任何根據本條例訂立的規例,而該等規例並無規定其他刑罰或懲罰,則一經循簡易程序定罪,可處罰款$5,000及監禁2年。
(2)  Any person who contravenes any regulation made under this Ordinance shall, where no other penalty or punishment is provided by such regulations, be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $5,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.
(AmendedE.R. 5 of 2018)

(3)  (1993年第24號第24條廢除)(1949年第40號第3條代替)
(3)  (Repealed 24 of 1993 s. 24)(Replaced 40 of 1949 s. 3)

4.  關於修訂條例效力的聲明條文Declaratory provision as to effect of an amending Ordinance
For the purpose of removing doubts it is hereby declared that the words in subsection (1)  of section 2 “he may make any regulations whatsoever which he may consider desirable in the public interest” shall be deemed always to have included power to make such regulations as are mentioned in paragraph (g) of subsection (2) of section 2 and it is further declared that the provisions of subsection (4) of section 2 shall be deemed always to have been incorporated herein.(40 of 1949 s. 4 incorporated)




