

The military Government of Hong Kong

The military Government of Hong Kong
Hong Kong seems to have an incident shortly.  Once it happens, Hong Kong will never be the same as it was.

There were mega protests against the amendment of the deportation law.  In the beginning, they did it once a week for more than a month; the scale has reached up to two million.  Now Hong Kong has relative smaller protests in many places, but they were much more brutal.  The gangsters emerged from nowhere and hit any person they saw, pregnant women and the journalist was attacked with no mercy.

Today, July 30th, it will be a traffic jamming movement, asking all drivers to drive cars at “safe speed.”

Till this, it was the demonstration of social forces.

However, what bothers me most is that there will be a protest of civil officials on August 2nd, the very next day of PLA's 92nd anniversary. 

The civil officials are the most self-constraint and conservative groups all over the world.  The civil officials may join the protest due to low salaries and benefits.  However, it is rare to see them to start a protest because of the policy or law amendment.

The civil officials' protest signifies the Hong Kong governor has lost her ability to govern.  What will be next?

According to the PLA Hong Kong Garrison Law, Beijing may send PLA troops to Hong Kong to enforce the PLA there to defend invasion, to help relieve or to repress chaos under the conditions:
1.  Beijing’s declaration of emergency state in Hong Kong; or
2.  the invitation of Hong Kong Governor.

Once any circumstance happens, PLA has the right to take over the ruling power of the Hong Kong government, meaning the implement of a military government.  The massacre of the Tien-An-Men Square might repeat.


