

一國兩制:附條件的條約承諾 Beijing’s Treaty Obligation till 2047 雲程 20190708

一國兩制:附條件的條約承諾    Beijing’s Treaty Obligation till 2047    雲程 20190708
The amendment of distraction bill has caused Hong Kongers to hold serial huge rallies.  The two-million protestors not only shocked Beijing but also the world as well.  Apparently, China has a predicament to honor the Sino-British Declaration of 1984.

Beijing commenced legal warfare against Hong Kong as early as the fifth year of the transfer of sovereignty.  It demanded the Hong Kong government to draft the “National Security Statute” to restrict the freedom of speech according to Article 23 of the Fundamental Law.  Then it denied Hong Kong has the residual right of autonomy, saying that all the rights that Hong Kong enjoys are from Beijing.  Along with Xi Jinping's becoming life-long President, Beijing announced the Great Bay Project to embrace Hong Kong and Macao and disturbed the border lines.  Beijing’s latest move is to extend the Personal jurisdiction to any persons staying in Hong Kong through the amendment of distraction bill.  The U.K. sent a clear sign of significant public concern about the proposed changes to extradition laws implying Beijing is in breach of the Sino-British Declaration; while Beijing refuted it by saying the Declaration is passé.

An international treaty is not limited to the title.  The governments of China and the U.K. have registered the Declaration to the U.N. on June 12, 1985, to make it a treaty.  It is a conditional an international treaty in which Beijing committed in the Annex that “after the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region the socialist system and socialist policies shall not be practiced in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and that Hong Kong's previous capitalist system and life-style shall remain unchanged for 50 years.”

Due to the fact that China has agreed with the specific term of the “50 years,” her treaty obligation of China will not be void until 2047.  On the other hand, the U.K., the other side of the treaty, has the legal right and ethical responsibility to monitor the execution of the treaty.

China-friendly scholar insisted that international law has no binding force to degrade the Sino-British Declaration.  However, they do not want to recognize the fact that the legitimacy of international treaties is not on the compulsory force.  It is the free will and the consent through the signature of the parties concerned that make treaties legitimate.

It is said that Deng Xiao-ping threatened that he will cut off the water supply and electricity to Hong Kong, and he could even send PLA troops to conquer Hong Kong.  Margret Thatcher, the Prime Minister of the U.K. replied that Deng has the power to do so, but the rest of the world will understand how barbarous Beijing is if he did so.  China and British continued to negotiate and concluded a Declaration, indicating the fact that the “Beijing-then” accepted the international law as well as the rules-based international order.

The “pacta sunt servanda,” or agreements must be kept, is the basis of international law.  But the greedy Chinese tend to consider that I can do whatever I like, once the object is under my control.  China has not developed anything which is common in western civilization, the conditional contracts.  Apparently, the “Beijing-now” refuses to honor her commitment and the rule of “pacta sunt servanda.”
「契約必須履行」(pacta sunt servanda)是國際法的基礎。但貪婪的北京總認為:只要是我的了,我愛怎樣就怎樣;更不會發展出西方世界常見的附條件契約:如房屋買賣規定接手者不可以任意砍樹、改造外型等。現在的北京」,顯然對承諾、履行契約有強硬的想法

It is the difference of civilization which causes China refusing not to honor laws and treaties.  It will happen whenever Beijing considers it necessary.  Moscow has to note it carefully that China is going to invade Siberia and transform a near-arctic country, one day when CPC, the Communist Party of China starts to criticize Jiang Tse-min, the Chinese former President who concluded demarcation treaties with Russia since 1991.  Despite the conclusion of the treaties, the Chinese keep claiming the “lost territories" were stolen by Russians in the history textbook.



