

〈善用投資促進發展法〉THE BUILD ACT DoD 20190601 Taimocracy翻譯

The BUILD Act is a financial measure of the U.S. to compete the OBOR initiative by China.

The new U.S. International Development Finance Corporation is pretty much like the “Overseas Private Investment Corporation” authorized to establish by the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, among the previous ones.

It was a newest revision of the U.S. government aid to the emerging countries: by the government directly at the first, by fund aid, and to encourage the private sector to invest.  The path is clear that the U.S. government tends to collaborate with emerging nations rather than dominate or slave, because it has learned that the latter two are high risk.

〈善用投資促進發展法〉THE BUILD ACT      DoD 20190601  Taimocracy翻譯
On October 5, 2018, President Trump signed into law the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development (BUILD) Act. The BUILD Act establishes a new U.S. International Development Finance Corporation.  This legislation consolidates, modernizes, and reforms the U.S. Government’s development finance capabilities.  Backing from the U.S. Government can catalyze significant amounts of private capital into emerging markets.  This model of mobilizing private investment is vital as the needs of developing countries are too great to meet with official government resources alone.  The BUILD Act prioritizes low-income and lower middle-income countries, where the Development Finance Corporation’s services will have the greatest impact.  It more than doubles the U.S. development finance capacity from $29 billion to $60 billion.  The new authorities and flexibility provided under the BUILD Act will give the United States greater ability to offer financially sound, transparent investment alternatives



