

〈2019印太戰略報告〉台灣 DoD 20190601 Taimocracy翻譯

The U.S. does not feel like to have an armed conflict with China yet, after reading the section Taiwan of DoD’s “Indo-Pacific Strategy Report of 2019.” 

The wish of the U.S. is to encourage China to choose a better and democratic pattern for their people. 
It is another scenario if China declines to do so and decide to act in a hostile way.

2019印太戰略報告〉台灣      DoD 20190601    Taimocracy翻譯
The United States has a vital interest in upholding the rules-based international order, which includes a strong, prosperous, and democratic Taiwan.  The United States is pursuing a strong partnership with Taiwan and will faithfully implement the Taiwan Relations Act, as part of a broader commitment to the security and stability of the Indo-Pacific.  Our partnership is vital given China's continued pressure campaign against Taiwan.  Taiwan lost three diplomatic partners in 2018, and some international fora continued to deny the participation of representatives from Taiwan.  Although China advocates for peaceful unification with Taiwan, China has never renounced the use of military force, and continues to develop and deploy advanced military capabilities needed for a potential military campaign.

The salience of defense engagements has increased as the PLA continues to prepare for contingencies in the Taiwan Strait to deter, and if necessary, compel Taiwan to abandon moves toward independence.  The PLA is also preparing for a contingency to unify Taiwan with the mainland by force, while simultaneously deterring, delaying, or denying any third-party intervention on Taiwan’s behalf.  As part of a comprehensive campaign to pressure Taiwan, China has increased military exercises in the vicinity of Taiwan, including circumnavigation flights by the PLA Air Force and naval exercises in the East China Sea.

The objective of our defense engagement with Taiwan is to ensure that Taiwan remains secure, confident, free from coercion, and able to peacefully and productively engage the mainland on its own terms.  The Department is committed to providing Taiwan with defense articles and services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability.  DoD is continually engaged in evaluating Taiwan’s defense needs to assist Taiwan in identifying capabilities that are mobile, survivable, and effective in resisting the use of force or other forms of coercion.  Since 2008, U.S. Administrations have notified Congress of more than $22 billion in FMS for Taiwan.

“America will always believe that Taiwan’s embrace of democracy shows a better path for all the Chinese people.” (美國將永遠相信:台灣擁抱民主可展現給所有中國人一條更好的道路)- Vice President Pence, remarks at the Hudson Institute, October 4, 2018

“A strong and secure Taiwan can deter aggression, defend the Taiwan people and their hardwon democracy, and engage on its own terms with the PRC.” (一個強大且安全,的台灣能抵禦侵略,保衛台灣人民與其好不容易獲得的民主,並鼓勵其自主與中國交往。)- Assistant Secretary of Defense for IndoPacific Security Affairs Randall G. Schriver, remarks at Stanford University, April 10, 2019

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