

蔡政府阻撓達賴、熱比婭來台 華府內幕消息:陳菊答應5次 台灣英文新聞 20190604


The news was said originally from RFA, Radio Free Asia, a semi-official broadcast agent of the U.S. government.
Though it was reported by Taiwan News, both English and Chinese; however, I did not see one in RFA, yet.
The truth is that Rebiya Kadeer was one of the Speakers of 2019 TIRFF and she did not show up.

蔡政府阻撓達賴、熱比婭來台 華府內幕消息:陳菊答應5      台灣英文新聞 20190604


早前,美國媒體「自由亞洲電台」報導,包括美國應對中國當前危機委員會委員傅希秋、世界維吾爾論壇主席哈米提(Umit Hamit)、藏人行政中央駐台代表達瓦才仁、人權律師童文薰等人皆證實,蔡政府的確「技術性阻撓」達賴喇嘛及熱比婭來台,參加宗教自由論壇




蔡政府是否大玩兩面手法?美方人士透露,熱比婭曾親自前往駐美辦事處,與我駐美代表高碩泰會面,但來台申請仍遭拒,熱比婭形容自己被代表處趕出來!他形容,這個政府已經變成「Republic of Liar」。


The government is said to have denied the Dalai Lama and Rebiya Kadeer visas to Taiwan.
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The administration of Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) is accused of denying the Dalai Lama and Uyghur activist Rebiya Kadeer visas to visit Taiwan in May, reported Radio Free Asia (RFA) on Thursday (May 30).

The news of the Dalai Lama and Kadeer being denied entry into Taiwan has been confirmed by several religious groups.  Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC), however, denies receiving a visa application for the Dalai Lama.

An exclusive source from Washington D.C. told Taiwan News the Tsai administration had promised to invite the Dalai Lama to the Taiwan International Religious Freedom Forum, which took place in Hsinchu on May 30.

RFA interviewed several participants at the forum, including Bob Fu (傅希秋), founder and president of China Aid; Umit Hamit of the World Uyghur Congress; and Dawa Tsering, chairman of the Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness The Dalai Lama.

They all confirmed the information to be true.

The MAC responded in a written statement that “it has not received any visa application for the Dalai Lama from the Taiwan International Religious Freedom Forum.”

Nevertheless, after returning to the United States, some forum participants told the press that Secretary-General to the President, Chen Chu (陳菊) had promised up to five times that Taiwan would invite the Dalai Lama for a visit.

Even more shocking is that a government official frankly admitted in private that Taiwan had not planned to invite the Dalai Lama or Kadeer.

Yet, when speaking at the forum, President Tsai said she was “sorry that the Dalai Lama could not visit Taiwan.”  In response, one former White House official commented privately: “I am used to politicians telling lies.

Did the Tsai administration lie about inviting the religious and human rights leaders to Taiwan?

Rebiya Kadeer is listed as one of the speakers at the forum (screenshot of the TIRFF website)

The U.S. source said that Kadeer went to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office and met with Stanley Kao (高碩泰), Taiwan’s Representative to the U.S., but that her visa application was denied.

She said she felt as if she had been “kicked out of” the TECRO and described the Taiwanese government as the “Republic of Liar[s],” according to the source.

In an attempt to explain to the Dalai Lama why his invitation was revoked, Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reportedly sent representatives to visit him in Dharamshala, India in mid-May.  The Dalai Lama, however, politely declined to receive them.

2 則留言:

  1. 郭文貴引用班農的話: 蔡英文的膽子太小.

  2. 小英拒達賴 熱比婭入境? 外交部、長老教會聲明接連打臉



