

美助台防中國干預大選 外交部:共同捍衛民主 中央社20190620

22140看起(Taiwan 22925 and 25310

Q: so you mentioned PRC selection interference against Taiwan is the upcoming challenges that we are facing so my question is in terms of capacity building what could I want do to counter PRC's cyber attacks and disinformation campaign thank you.

S: it's a very important issue for us there's no question at east in our minds that China will try to meddle they've done it every previous election.  In 1996 it came in the form of missile exercises. In 2000 it was Jurong G's finger wagging and threatening of the people of Taiwan.  I think that that challenges the sophistication on the PRC side is growing and so what we expect this time is use of social media cyber intrusions etc., it starts with dialogue. and I won't get into a lot of details you probably have some family relations that could tell you more about it than I could and getting the right experts together and then as required we will make direct contributions to Taiwan's capabilities and capacity to deal with this as the election approaches ma'am. Thank You. 

美助台防中國干預大選 外交部:共同捍衛民主      中央社20190620

薛瑞福(Randall Schriver)在華府智庫國家亞洲研究局(The National Bureau of Asian ResearchNBR)與美國國防大學國家戰略研究所(INSS)舉辦的亞洲政策論壇的閉幕演講中指出,因為網路攻擊日益頻繁,美國國防部正與盟邦合作,因應所面臨的威脅。



此外,有關媒體報導,美國官員陪同美國總統川普(Donald Trump5月赴日出席日皇晚宴時表示,美國關心中國介入台灣選舉,並對台灣媒體、網路等被中國入侵,卻無力抵抗的情形感到憂慮,外交部對此沒有評論。

2 則留言:

  1. 代轉網友留言:
    Randy Shriver 認為,台灣的不穩定也會使區域不安。


    …and now we must think about something other than a binary approach of peace time versus war time, and more to a mindset of enduring competition.

    We’re clear winners and losers are not always evident on a daily basis ... rules may often be fluid and open to interpretation. We’re no longer in a period of a merit of overwhelming American dominance but rather in one in which our armed forces are adapting to fight against near peer competitors. Thus instead of expecting to dominate the opponent our armed forces are learning to expect to be contested throughout the fight while achieving the political objectives set for them....



    我有注意到多次出現的 trilateral, capability, mindset等字眼

    1. Randall SHriver有提到
      3P's: preparedness, partnerships and promoting a networked region

