Beijing has mobilized its merchant ships and fishing boats, called “the
marine mercenaries” or “the little Blue Men,” to “defend” Chinese self-asserted
marine rights.
Military warships should not counter any of civilian ships, unless they
have good reason to judge that the civilian ships are not civil, or are doing
illegal things, according to the international law. Then the military vessels can exam or quarantine
civilian ships.
Beijing takes advantages through the help and deployments of the little
Blue Men. That is why the US has to
deploy the Coast Guard vessels, which have the legitimate right to deal with
civilian ships, to Yokosuga.
Beijing’s deployment and mobilization of civilian ships to do things that
only government and military vessels do are extremely dangerous to the
civilians. The
Little Blue Men can be seen as malicious mercenaries, who have no rights in the
laws of war.
It is very cruel for tyrannical Beijing to do such
things to its people.
美國據報將視中國海警和民兵挑釁船隻為海軍艦艇 VOA 20190429
Richardson) 對《金融時報》說,他在今年一月訪問中國時向中國海軍司令員沈金龍傳達了這一資訊。
嗯~ 戰雲密布-ing ..... 山姆大帝正在加緊調整亞洲(印太)戰略佈局節奏.....
回覆刪除(若見天空烏雲密布: 那麼, 過陣子出現狂暴大雷雨挾帶驚駭閃電與恐怖雷鳴的機率便會大大增加.... 不知 手中緊握山寨牌雨傘的習大大是否也正抬頭仰望烏雲而"眉頭深鎖"中? )
USNI News April 30, 2019
【U.S. Will Unveil New Indo-Pacific Strategy Next Month】___《US National Defense & Security Strategy identify the Indo-Pacific as the Priority Theater》
美國將公佈新印太戰略, 確定太平洋為「優先戰區」
from 卸甲楓鷹