

Tightening the Chain, implementing a strategy of Maritime Pressure in the Western Pacific--Strategy in Brief 《上緊島鏈發條:實施西太平洋海上壓力戰略》戰略簡介 Taimocracy翻譯

Tightening the Chain, implementing a strategy of Maritime Pressure in the Western Pacific--Strategy in Brief  《上緊島鏈發條:實施西太平洋海上壓力戰略》戰略簡介      Taimocracy翻譯
The strategy of Maritime Pressure aims to persuade Chinese leaders that attempting military aggression in the Western Pacific will fail, thus discouraging them from trying it. The strategy gives the PLA a taste of its own A2/AD medicine, improving America’s prospects in both peace and war.  The strategy calls for establishing highly survivable precision-strike networks along the First Island Chain featuring increased quantities of U.S. and allied ground-based missiles backed by naval, air, electronic warfare, and other capabilities.  These networks would be operationally decentralized and geographically dispersed along the archipelagos of the Western Pacific.  The networks would function as an “inside” force optimized to attack the PLA from within China’s A2/AD threat envelope, supported by “outside” air and naval forces able to join the fight from further afield.  To use a football analogy, the survivable inside strike networks would act as a defensive line while the mobile outside air and naval forces would act as linebackers.
海上壓力戰略的目的,是說服中國領導人其在西太平洋地區進行軍事侵略將失敗,從而阻止他們試圖進行。該戰略讓解放軍了解了自己的A2 / AD方案,提高了美國在和平與戰爭中的展望。該戰略要求,在第一島鏈上建立高度可生存的精確打擊網路,其中包括由海軍,空中,電子戰和其他能力支持的大量美國和盟軍陸基導彈。這些網路將在任務上分散,並在地理上分布在西太平洋群島。這些網路將作為一種「內部」力量發揮作用,優化從中國的A2 / AD威脅範圍內攻擊解放軍,由「外部」空中和海軍部隊支持,可以從更遠的地方加入戰鬥。使用足球賽做類比,可生存的內部攻擊網路將充當防禦線,而移動的外部空中和海軍部隊將充當前鋒

Implementing this Inside-Out Defense concept will require some U.S. forces to operate and survive within range of Chinese missiles.  This forward posture would differ from the current expeditionary model focused on marshaling massive combat power and then gaining dominance in all domains before counterattacking decisively.  In a fait accompli scenario, the expeditionary model takes too much time. If the U.S. military does not demonstrate the ability to delay, degrade, and deny a PLA attack from the outset, the Chinese leadership might believe it can perpetrate aggression before the United States arrives in force.  Making the forward posture credible will require American and allied military forces to coordinate across the Services’ traditional domains.  Cross-domain operations would become the norm under a Maritime Pressure strategy, to include Army and Marine Corps forces launching ground-based anti-ship missiles against targets at sea.

Land-based anti-ship, anti-air, and electronic warfare capabilities form the backbone of the Inside-Out concept.  Although air and naval forces possess the advantage of strategic and operational mobility, ground and amphibious forces ashore possess the advantage of survivability.  Ground forces can harden themselves and exploit terrain for concealment and dispersal, forcing the enemy to acquire precise targeting and expend many munitions to attack them successfully.  Amphibious forces can create and exploit temporal and geographic uncertainty to impose costs on the enemy. For decades, America’s enemies have exploited the advantages of mobile land-based forces against the U.S. military.   It is time for the United States to turn the tables.

Land-based strike forces deployed along the First Island Chain would anchor the defense against a Chinese attack.  Upon warning, the forces would move to pre-selected, dispersed positions after potentially linking up with pre-positioned equipment.  Forward-based air forces would disperse to expeditionary airfields under new adaptive basing concepts.  Naval forces would sortie to locations behind the First Island Chain or hug the coastlines to reduce their signatures.  Using land-based forces to contest Chinese offensive operations will free up U.S. surface ships and aircraft to perform higher-priority tasks, such as striking critical nodes in China’s surveillance and sustainment systems.  The ships and aircraft could operate from the less-threatening environs beyond the First Island Chain.  They would plug gaps in forward defenses and exploit opportunities created by land-based strike networks.  Coordinated properly, the joint force could achieve the virtues of mass without the vulnerabilities of concentration by spreading its combat power over many smaller points of operation rather than focusing it in a few bigger bases.

The highly contested communications environment might require individual commanders to lead operations without continuous connectivity with higher echelons and without information from space-based assets.  Yet American combat leaders possess individual initiative second to none.  If given a desired outcome and the tools to achieve it, they will find a way to succeed.  Many PLA commanders cannot yet say the same.  Additionally, American commanders are unlikely to fight alone; U.S. allies who are acquiring their own land-based sea- and air-denial systems will also likely be involved.  Using new unmanned aerial and surface platforms, troposcatter communications, and stratospheric systems, U.S. forces would form a terrestrial command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) architecture that would degrade more gracefully than legacy systems, permitting U.S. and allied militaries to continue operations even in a contested electromagnetic environment.

Chapter 3 includes a list of numerous actions needed to implement the strategy of Maritime Pressure outlined here.  Among other things, the Department of Defense (DoD) should:
 Develop this report’s approach into a joint operational concept;
 Experiment with new organizational structures for ground forces in the Pacific;
 Develop sustainment concepts to support a Maritime Pressure strategy;
 Accelerate fielding of mobile, land-based, long-range missile capabilities;
 Build a resilient multi-domain C4ISR architecture and develop and field counter-C4ISR capabilities;
 Integrate all bomber aircraft with payloads for offensive maritime missions;
 Deepen cooperation with Indo-Pacific allies and partners; and
 Reexamine Service roles and missions.

CSBA estimates that these actions would cost from $8 billion to $13 billion by 2024 depending on the specific investments selected by DoD.  The costs represent additional spending beyond what DoD’s five-year budget plan currently contains. Longer-term costs could total $30 billion or more depending on how extensively DoD reorganized its forces and posture in the decades ahead.  Although significant, such costs are affordable—especially if DoD spends less on legacy forces unsuited to contested environments and spends more on the innovative concepts and capabilities proposed by this report.


