


Chen Ping, a physicist and an economist of China.  His prospect on the U.S.-China trade war is pretty much like another Chinese martial art novel.

Though he is a smart guy, acquiring double PhDs(?), his comment is naive.  He sees the U.S. is decline and has no power and resources to counter China, just like almost all the researches that Chinese policy analysts proposed.

The point is still the same: China does not accept the “Tenth-men Principle,” meaning no matter how many researches she has, they are in fact the reflection of one top guy, the will of the Secretary-General of CCP.

It had better see the "Future Security Forum 2019" hosted by the New America on April 29, 2019, and see the last interview of Kiron Skinner, the Director of Policy Planning at the United States Department of State (from 9:14:00).  Her attitude was completely different from that of Chinese analysts. 

2 則留言:

  1. 國家,和人一樣,就是患了神經官能症。追尋中國的歷史心路歷程,喚醒其國人,自然不藥而癒。

  2. 哈哈哈,慈禧太后也愛義和團開打啊,1900年土星摩羯,2019又是土星摩羯。

