

China-Friendly Billionaire Adds to Taiwan Leader's Election Woes Bloomberg 20190416

China-Friendly Billionaire Adds to Taiwan Leader's Election Woes    Bloomberg 20190416
Billionaire Terry Gou’s possible entry into Taiwan’s presidential race on the Kuomintang line illustrates the dilemma facing the island’s leader, Tsai Ing-wen, as she prepares for an uphill re-election bid.

On one side, Tsai must contend with a resurgent KMT, advocating closer ties with China and eager to regain power after three years in the opposition.  On the other, she’s battling a nomination fight within her own Democratic Progressive Party, where her pro-independence base is pushing for a cleaner break from the mainland.

Gou’s potential challenge, which the Foxconn Technology Group founder said Tuesday he was considering, represents the broader problem for Tsai.  A series of tough policy fights and an isolation campaign by China have pushed support for her reelection into the teens in some public opinion surveys and encouraged several would-be contenders from among the more China-friendly “pan-blue” camp.

Gou, who says he would run on the KMT line, was one of the first Taiwanese business leaders to take advantage of cheaper wages and land costs on the mainland, becoming Apple Inc.’s top iPhone assembler.  His resources -- including a fortune worth $4.4 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index -- could pose a formidable challenge to Tsai.

Gou has a pair events planned for Wednesday -- including a visit to a temple near his childhood home in the Taipei suburbs at 10:30 a.m. local time -- that will be closely watched for details on his intentions.  He is set to visit another temple at 11:30 a.m.

‘Independence Worker’
But first, the Taiwanese president must survive a primary challenge from her former premier, William Lai Ching-te, a self-described “independence worker” who has pledged a firmer push-back against China.  That’s forced Tsai to shore up her base, cracking down on mainland investments, visitors and other potential sources of political influence.

Tsai is caught in between,” said Chang Ling-chen, an emeritus political science professor at the National Taiwan University.  “She is not only having to fight for party support in the primary, but will also face a contest from the pan-blue group.”

One possible solution for Tsai would be to convince Lai to join as her vice presidential running mate.  But polls show him running more competitively against possible KMT candidates than Tsai and the DPP has delayed its primary until at least late May to allow more time for negotiations.

In the meantime, Tsai’s government has raised the top fine for illegal mainland investments to NT$25 million ($800,000) from NT$600,000 previously and removed a communications regulator accused of failing to clamp down on false reports benefiting China.  Earlier this month, Taiwan deported a mainland academic Li Yi after he tried to deliver a speech on unification while on a visit to the island.

Chinese ‘Coercion’
She’s also held a series of events with China hawks in the U.S., in which she’s sounded the alarm about Communist Party “coercion” and urged greater military support from Washington.  The race comes against the backdrop of increased pressure from Beijing, with President Xi Jinping suggesting earlier this year that mainland China and Taiwan should enter into “in-depth democratic consultations” on unification.

“The scrutiny has always been there, as the DPP is wary of China’s influence on Taiwan society and politics,” said Yuan-kang Wang, a professor of political science at Western Michigan University.  “The upcoming elections might have created some sense of urgency in curbing Chinese influence.”

Although China and Taiwan have been ruled separately since the late 1940s, Beijing has said any moves by Taiwan to formalize its status as a sovereign state would be grounds for invasion.  Tsai has so far avoided actions that might provoke the Communist Party, frustrating some within her party.

The risk for Tsai is moving so far toward her base that she cedes the middle to a KMT challenger.  Besides Gou, former New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu and former legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng have announced their candidacies.  Han Kuo-yu and Ko Wen-je, the outspoken mayors of Kaohsiung and Taipei, respectively, also haven’t ruled out a run either.

Stronger Ties
Improving China ties has been a unifying theme among the pan-blue contenders.  Han has described China and the island as two partners in an “arranged marriage” who had fallen “madly in love” and said that peace talks were “inevitable” between the democratically run Taiwan and the Communist Party-ruled mainland.

Gou’s personal story as the child of mainland emigres who made a fortune in China echos Taiwan’s own economic dependence on the much larger economy next door.  That might appeal to Taiwanese voters.  Public opinion polls show they favor continuing the island’s ambiguous status without immediate independence or unification.

“Like other Kuomintang candidates, Gou also supports Taiwan’s economic links with China,” said Austin Wang, a political scientist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. “Where he differs from other party rivals is that he has business experience.”

— With assistance by Debby Wu

16 則留言:

  1. “China-Friendly” - 很好的認識。

    1. 看馬雲,是共產黨員


    2. 會接受的大概也就只有kmt吧,因為已經亂了套。至於中共,要看他能立功到什麼程度 - 這對郭其實也沒有什麼意義。
      這種 amour-propre 的傢伙,對中共也並不存在什麼特別的敬意。如果他真當了總統,中共讓他入黨,中國如果一有



    3. 對我等無名之輩來說,直接對郭董罵髒話是行的通的辦法


    4. 罵他痞,一般應該會覺得過了頭,然而就我的理解,他與韓能夠取得大成功,與性格上的痞,有部分關係。




      、哽咽表示、如此生動,不能不承認他是真情流露,只是並 不只 如此。、、、、、、,;素樸世界


    5. 郭混蛋這種算是亞洲特有種,就算是被認為最痞的川普和普廷,跟郭混蛋比都算是"有教養"的.


      郭混蛋這種 "我錢比你多,我要罵誰就罵誰,比我窮的被我罵活該" 這種對人不對事的態度,難怪會把富士康員工形容成動物了.


    6. 王、郭、日本人,這些都是天生的性格。EQ 不好,瞬間翻臉,似乎也成了霸氣的表徵,因此這樣的性格其實很不值得推崇。






    7. 嚴厲和罷凌最大的差別是 "對事不對人"或"對人不對事",日本式的嚴厲在往往太過,常常超過對事的這個範圍,才會導致那麼多社會問題和自殺案件.
      也因此為什麼演變到最後,日本企業也會開始造假說謊,因為他們過去沒有去矯正這種嚴苛的工作風氣,所以在21世紀後日本企業的弊端頻傳. 目前受創嚴重的是汽車業,以高田事件為首,後來日產,速霸陸和鈴木都出現造假風波.



    8. 他們的派系鬥爭很嚴重(那裡都一樣)。記得看過一篇報導說 SONY 的失落,原因就在派系鬥爭。而且護短,這幾乎是派生產物。可能弄虛作假也是派生而來。還有,過度的追求業績,尤其有意的將目標定高,這些都是對人性的傷害。

      下面這個連結,請從 “人間 を幸福しない日本” 看起。或者去買一本。日本的各類書籍汗牛充棟,去日本就去舊書店,延年益壽。

      〔人間 を幸福しない日本という システム〕新潮文庫 作者 ﹕Karel van Wolferen,新聞記者,阿姆司特丹大教授。

    9. https://iseilio-blog.tumblr.com/post/179812939212/日本製造-到底出了什麼問題

    10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKTdKrqMrjY&t=8s

  2. 在劉俊秀.教授.的人面冊.看~著e。留言區.已經有人翻譯~lo。
    AIT 司徒文評論郭台銘的文章,是否有高手可以翻譯。

    Stanton on Gou Tai-Ming
    Bill Stanton 4/17/2019
    I think it would be unwise to underestimate the potential threat of Gou Tai-Ming (Terry Gou) to Taiwan’s freedom and democracy. Ever since I first met him when I was Director of AIT, it has been clear to me that he is an egomaniac, is no friend of the United States (despite his recently discovered mutual love affair with Donald Trump), opposes Taiwan’s purchase of U.S. weapons which he has frequently described as expensive junk, and — like Ma Ying-Jeou — thinks Taiwan’s best defense against the possibility of a PRC attack is to maintain good relations with Beijing.
    Gou’s animus toward the US partly stems from his early days when, as he told me, he had a business in Chicago where an employee sued him (for unstated reasons). I gather he lost the lawsuit because he went into a rant about the perfidy of U.S. lawyers. He also said at the time we met (three occasions, as I recall, around 2010) that one of the other reasons he was opposed to setting up businesses in the United States was in effect because he was not treated regally as in other countries. He said that usually other country presidents would greet him at the airport but in the U.S. he could not even get a meeting with the President. His amour-propre was clearly offended.


  3. 低估台灣的自由與民主受到郭台銘的威脅是不智的。我第一次碰到他是在我擔任 AIT 主席的時候。
    他反對台灣對美軍購,認為那是是花大錢買垃圾。而且 - 一如馬英九 - 認為台灣對中國攻擊,

    郭對美國的憎恨,部份也植根於,據他告訴我,早年他有個事業在芝加哥,有一個員工告他(未說原因 )。


    Recent Examples on the Web
    Fundamental to Chinese amour propre is the belief that the language is too difficult for foreigners, who will never master its complete set of characters.
    — Peter Neville-hadley, WSJ, "A Most Implausible Machine," 1 Sep. 2017

  4. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  5. https://iseilio-blog.tumblr.com/post/184276866897/司徒文教授-的-一番話

  6. 莫健:不論台灣誰執政 美將持續與台合作

    莫健今天接受中央社專訪時表示,他的回應「不言自喻」(speaks for itself)。"


