

中國「永續債」的金融風險 陳鴻達@自由 20190307

Chinese main banks are issuing perpetual bonds.  It is the bond with no maturity date, which makes it de facto equity, its bearers stockholders.  But this is true for private corporations. 
The Chinese banks now trade their perpetual bonds to the Peoples Bank for Central Bank Bills, making the bonds guaranteed by the government.  This unusual way, pretty much like a fraud, signifies the seriousness of Chinas financial crisis.

中國「永續債」的金融風險    陳鴻達@自由 20190307



事實上利用永續債來補充資本也不是不行,但中國人民銀行一月廿四日還加碼宣布創設央行票據互換工具(Central Bank Bills SwapCBS),容許公開市場業務一級交易商,以合資格商業銀行的永續債,向人民銀行換入央行票據。這等於是讓商業銀行可以拿有破產風險的債券,去換有政府擔保的債券。這種不尋常的作法,甚至被部分市場人士分析形容為「中國版QE


China to set up central bank bills swap to support liquidity of banks' perpetual bonds    Reuters 20190124
BEIJING, Jan 24 (Reuters) - Chinas central bank plans to set up a central bank bills swap (CBS) in order to improve the liquidity of banks perpetual bonds, it said on Thursday.

The setup of the CBS also aims to encourage banks to replenish capital via perpetual bond issuance, the Peoples Bank of China said in a statement on its website.

Banks perpetual bonds with ratings at no lower than AA will be included as qualified collateral for a medium-term lending facility (MLF), a targeted medium-term lending facility (TMLF), a standing lending facility (SLF) and re-lending, according to the statement. (Reporting by Min Zhang in Beijing and Meg Shen in Hong Kong; Editing by Alison Williams)

Chinas Central Bank Bill Swap Different from QE    CEIBS 20190212
In this column carried by the Global Times on Feb 8, Professor Sheng Songcheng explains that risk is the underlying difference between Chinas central bank bills swap and the quantitative easing used by the US Federal Reserve during the last crisis.

The People's Bank of China (PBC), the country's central bank, announced last month the creation of the central bank bills swap (CBS) aimed at supporting commercial lender's perpetual bond sales.  Primary dealers on the open market can swap perpetual bonds issued by qualified banks with central bank bills.  Perpetual bonds with AA ratings and above can be used as collateral for medium-term, targeted, and standing lending facilities, and re-lending purposes. 

CBS and the quantitative easing (QE) picked up by the Federal Reserve amid the 2008 financial crisis may appear similar.  Some have called the CBS the Chinese version of QE even though they are different.

In the US, QE refers to the Fed directly purchasing bonds and mortgage-backed securities (MBS), adding liquidity to the market.  The Fed's portfolio expanded to $4.5 trillion from less than $900 billion before the 2008 financial crisis.
在美國,量化寬鬆是指美聯儲直接購買債券和抵押貸款支持證券(MBS),為市場增加流動性。 2008年金融危機之前,美聯儲的投資組合從不到9000億美元擴大到4.5兆美元。

The underlying difference between CBS and QE is risk.  The CBS roll-out is aimed at helping banks issue perpetual bonds to meet the asset adequacy requirement from the Basel Committee's global bank assessment.  The Chinese central bank does not shoulder perpetual bond credit risks, in clear contrast with the Fed whose methods include such risk-taking actions like purchasing "toxic assets" to rescue banks. 
CBSQE之間的根本區別在於風險。 CBS的推出旨在幫助銀行發行永久債券,以滿足巴塞爾委員會全球銀行評估的資產充足率要求。 中國央行並未承擔永久債券信用風險,與美聯儲形成鮮明對比,美聯儲的方法包括購買“有毒資產”以拯救銀行等風險行為。

A more significant difference between CBS and QE lies in the process of the "bills swap," which does not increase the monetary base of the central bank.  Swapping central bank bills with perpetual bonds will not directly inject liquidity into the market.
CBSQE之間的一個更顯著的區別在於“票據互換”,這不會增加央行的貨幣基礎。 用永久債券交換中央銀行票據不會直接向市場注入流動性。

This current issuance of central bank bills is not similar to when the PBC bought foreign exchange to avoid yuan appreciation.  Previously, the bank bill was issued to reduce, rather than unleash liquidity as purchasing foreign exchange would have an impact.  Today, the CBS does not affect the monetary base, thus proving it is not QE.
目前發行的中央銀行票據與中國人民銀行購買外匯以避免人民幣升值時並不相似。 此前,銀行法案旨在減少而不是釋放流動性,因為購買外匯會產生影響。 今天,CBS不會影響貨幣基礎,從而證明它不是QE

Though primary dealers may use central bank bills as collateral for a medium lending facility (MLF) or a standing lending facility (SLF) to gain liquidity, it would still be an indirect operation. Dealers will be expected to pay interest and there are due dates to consider for MLF, SLF, and the like.

The Fed, however, bought Treasury bonds and MBS directly from the market to lower long-term interest rates and encourage banks to grant loans.  Even after the Fed began rolling back the balance sheet, its total assets dropped to just around $4 trillion from $4.5 trillion in more than four years.  The amount removed out of the balance sheet is tiny compared with the more than $3 trillion in assets added to the Fed's balance sheet from the 2008 financial crisis.  Purchased assets acquired through QE will probably stay on the account, while perpetual bonds swapped are due after three years, and thus CBS doesn't expand the balance sheet of the PBC.

The PBC toolkit still contains useful devices. Short-term interest rates hover at around 2.5 percent, well beyond the zero mark.  So, a prudent and neutral monetary policy would be enough.  It would be unnecessary to conduct QE operations similar to what the Fed and European Central Bank did during the 2008 financial crisis when it was their last resort.

Although the monetary policies are useful, they remain limited and require fiscal plans to accompany them.  As fiscal policy is expected to play a more significant role in the future, the 3 percent deficit of the Maastricht economic criterion does not apply in Chinese situations.  It is entirely possible for China to raise its fiscal deficit and lower corporate tax rates.  The fiscal deficit can be lifted to 4 percent around since the central government debt structure is healthy.  First, China's government debt is mainly internal rather than external.  Second, the percentage of short-term debt is comparatively low.  Third, the Chinese economy and government revenue continue to enjoy significant growth, much faster than that of developed countries.

The regulatory policies should also complement the monetary policies. The PBC has made great efforts to unclog the monetary policy system. In general, a modern banking system creates savings when issuing loans and generates money through the lending process. Meanwhile, the conditions and rules for issuing loans are the responsibility of a regulatory body. Off-balance sheet financing and shadow banking and the like are regulated as well. The PBC alone cannot finish the entire monetary transmission process.

Given today's circumstances, it will take longer before a stimulus could affect the real economy.  Due to the expectations of a global economic downturn and other reasons including strict regulations, deleveraging, and cracking down on the shadow banking sector, the Chinese economy is likely to experience prolonged periods of pressure.  With a proactive fiscal and prudent monetary policy in place, among other complementary measures, market confidence will be restored.  The Chinese economy would begin stabilizing during the second quarter of 2019.

The author is a senior adviser to the People's Bank of China and adjunct professor of economics and finance at China Europe International Business School.


