On November 27, the Department
of State, in view of recent events, recommended the US citizen not to travel to
China for they might be prohibited to leave.
Now Sabrina Meng, the
CFO of WHA-WEI, was arrested and detained by Canada and might be extracted to
the US on the Treaty on Extradition Between the Government of Canada and the
Government of the United States of America of 1977.
The treaty stipulated
“Article 1 Each
Contracting Party agrees to extradite to the other, in the circumstances and
subject to the conditions described in this Treaty, persons found in its
territory who have been charged with, or convicted of, any of the offenses
covered by Article 2 of this Treaty committed within the territory of the
other, or outside thereof under the conditions specified in Article 3 (3) of
this Treaty.”
“Article 2.3 Extradition shall
also be granted for any offense against a federal
law of the United States in which one of the offenses listed in the
annexed Schedule, or made extraditable by paragraph (2) of this Article, is a
substantial element, even if transporting, transportation, the use of the mails
or interstate facilities are also elements of the specific offense.”
And the Schedule specified
the crimes
“16. Fraud by a banker, agent, or
by a director or officer of any company.”
美智庫警告:中國恐「押」美企高層報復 自由20181107
美中貿易戰甫休兵,隨即爆出加拿大應美國要求逮捕孟晚舟。法新社報導,美國印第安納大學法律教授、外交關係協會網路安全研究員費德勒(David Fidler)認為「這是美國在挑釁中國」,貿易緊張升溫將導致「雙輸」,中國可能讓美國科技公司在中國的業務更難經營。
中國市場研究集團(CMR)創辦人雷小山(Shaun Rein)表示:「如果美國以華為財務長違反伊朗制裁令為由逮捕並引渡她,中國是否也同樣會以對台灣軍售違反中國法律為由,逮捕波音或雷神的執行長?」他說:「如果我是谷歌或思科的高層,我近期不會前往中國。」
華為案爆發後,波音公司週四宣布,取消中國政府資助Global IP公司的爭議性衛星訂單,理由是違約不付款。
已辭職的Global IP創辦人指控,公司接受中國東方資產管理的資金後,就被中國秘密控制,且中國以欺詐手段接管衛星專案,使其面臨違反美國法律的風險。
【華為公主被捕】願放棄中國與香港護照 將面臨30年以上徒刑